I know, all of you have long since seen a real SRT-10 on the road, but this weekend was my first. I have to say I'm very disappointed. Not with the car, with the driver. Duncan SC is a very small town, yet Viper sightings are an everyday thing! Me. So you can imagine my shock at seeing a silver 2003 within 1/4 mile of my house! I pulled out on the main road and there it was, nose to nose at a traffic light (the only one in the town) a red with white stripes 2002 GTS and the silver 2003 SRT-10! So, in the 'family tradition' I offered a brief wave and thumbs up as we passed each other. What was this [******]'s reaction? An upturned nose and complete lack of recognition of a fellow Viper brother. All day I fumed. I'm still having a hard time understanding. When I ride my motorcycle (crotch rocket) I always wave to other bikes. Some Harley guys won't acknowlegde my existance, but I can understand the disapproval of such dissimilar machines, but to me Vipers are Vipers. While I like the looks of the car, it is making me reconsider a lot of things. Do I want to be one of these guys where arrogance is the norm and I truly believe in my own superiority to the point that no one else comes close to me? Maybe I should just chill out and accept that some people just don't get it. I've rarely seen anyone from this area post here, so I assume this guy isn't a Viper club kinda guy. Maybe he just didn't see my bright red GTS? It's gonna take some time.....