Costing 1/3rd as much? Sorry. C&D recently tested the Caterham 7 and it was $50K. Since when does a Viper cost $150K??
well lists the MOST expensive model at $30k with all performance options included.
But I see when you compare the viper to a porsche or ferrari or lambo, interior accomodations, fit and finish, and everyday drivibility arent as important as track circuit and drag strip times and performance specs. BUT when you compare it to a less expensive car that is faster than the viper on a track, everyday drivibility, interior accomodations, and fit and finish are the ONLY important factors!
You are worse than Kerry.
The Viper doesnt have supercar refinement or quality and since you can go faster for less , So its not the bang for the buck winner either.
You need to admit its a one hit wonder and stop trying to weasel out an excuse everytime i call you on one of your flip flopping points.
and how many times have you been faster than 150mph? Its surely fast enough.
I not only hear what he is saying, but also what he is insinuating. He said flat out that he thought that the F40 was perhaps the best car ever, and only begrudgingly admitted that it would be slower than the modern supercars around a track. ...Saying that he would rather have a car with a direct connection to the engine and road. And dismissed the valuable fact that the new ones are much more drivable and safe, while being actually faster cars in the real world.
You are reducing these cars to mathematical equations just like you do with the viper. Its 0-60 is faster, its NHTSA rating is better, therefore, like a teenager who studys figures in the back of a magazine and concludes 'this' is the better car.
JC is saying the F40 is the best SUPERCAR ever in terms of the X factor. Sure the enzo may be safer and more economical. But you buy supercars for the shear fun of driving, not because you can get to the car show sunday morning 30 seconds quicker. Further, how well will the enzo do in history? The F40 already beat out the forgotten F50 in terms of icon'ic-ness
There were too many variables with the csl vs turbo. dif levels of water on the track, only one has slicks, only one has awd, only one is a race-prepped model.
You cant compare different tracks.. I'm sure some nerd somewhere could google up a track where the SLR beat the PGT.
Give me one good reason why TG would have a huge conspiracy to make the SLR beat the lambo, make the nsx beat the corvette, and make the csl beat the turbo. biased agaisnt italian, american, and stuttgart??? ***!
ps. someone said TG retested the Zonda and was 1.7 seconds faster?? who said that and what episode was this???
Unfortunately, with Top Gear running the SRT-10 Viper on a wet track it's hardly a decent judgement of the car's performance capabilties (as it is with all of the cars that they test on a wet track).
you make it sound like its their fault

. Well the fastest wet lap was the Gallardo, and then the GT3, i think? Although different levels of wetness makes it hard to compare effectively, but its a pretty good ballpark.
I would bet a lot of $ that it wont beat the Gallardo, any takers????
It will be interesting to see if it can beat the GT3. Both Rwd NA. One with chassis and suspension tuning the best porsche knows how. And the other with the second(?) most torque available today.