"As for VOI, it is not a VCA event and you do not need to be a VCA member to attend. You do, however, need to be a Viper owner. So that opens up my next question: If you believe the TRUCK should be allowed at all of the events, does that mean that they should open it up to ALL SRT Ram owners whether they own a Viper or not? If so, it is no longer the Viper Owners Invitational and will lose one heck of a lot of Vipers in the process. It has nothing to do with being a snob, and everything to do with being a truck vs. a dedicated sports/exotic car. Oh, and we gladly welcome any and all SRT Rams to join our Kansas City VCA as associate members. But Vipers take priority at Viper events - even over our resident Murcielago, which is closer in purpose to a Viper. Just my humble thoughts..."
Sing it brother, and I agree with you. First, thanks for removing my ignorance regarding VCA-membership/Viper ownership and VOI attendance. Second, and more important are the points you raise which reinforce the REAL intent of my original post. These are questions as a club that need attention. 9Seconds raised a legitimate point with respect to DC's offering of the first 50 Ram SRT-10s to VCA members. Why VCA? Why not Ram owners, or SRT owners? Those questions are rhetorical, but DC (read Dodge) certainly perceives a connection. And is it the "Viper" aspect or the "SRT" one? That's the more relevant question because it has, as Bill Pemberton alluded to, the potential to affect Vipers (ala Meet sponsorship/support) no matter what we, the owners, have to say. After all, from their perspective it comes down to economics and sales.
If its a "Viper owners" event that's one thing, but a VCA event? Well, the can of worms opened when VCA accepted the DC gift of the first fifty SRT-10 Rams. Complicating even further is the fact that these vehicles are emblazoned with "VCA". Should owners of Vipers AND SRT-10 Rams be able to bring one or the other to Viper events? My vote would be "yes", but with the same caveats which are starting to coalesce in the discussion, specifically, no participation in the road/racing events. Cross country cruises and parades, "yes". Owners of JUST SRT-10 Rams do not pass the litmus test of 1) being a Viper owner or, 2) being a member of VCA. For future VCA events, this should be factored into the event planning. After all, the "first 50" Ram SRTs are VCA-specific vehicles. The proviso still remains though that the member has to belong to VCA AND ALSO own a Viper.
Being a member of the SRT-10 forum/club too, I can say, conversely, that I would expect to be able to bring my Viper to an SRT-10 event as well. But this really strays from the issue of greater importance. What happens when DC/Dodge consolidates support for meets to a "National SRT" event? In this scheme being a Viper owner doesn't result in an invite unless you also own any SRT, and being a VCA member isn't an automatic door opener either unless your snake is a SRT or you own a SRT. This is probably a good topic for the VCA leadership to address to DC/Dodge and the most valuable outcome of this thread. I like Viper events and the exclusivity of owning a Viper. But because Dodge implied they see a relationship between the VCA and the SRT-10 Rams, we should be prepared to prevent a split of the Viper breeds vis a vis a "SRT" organization which by way of economy becomes Dodge's sole focus for sponsorship.