It seems that if anyone on this board even so much as mentions any other car, be it rice, domestic, or otherwise, he is jumped on and beat up as a traitor.
Many who come here are snake bit, and come here because they either want to own a Viper, or just admire it from afar.
Every Viper owner is an ambassador for the Viper Nation, especially VCA members, and should welcome visitors. Yes, this is our board, and the disscussion is all about Vipers. But not all those who come here to chat own Vipers yet. I was one of those, in fact, before I bought my GTS, I was critical of the Viper. (Extreme denial stage) Now I love it, of course. I judged Viper owners partly by the responses to my criticisms, and most showed their true colors as well balanced, mature, reasonable people, who I am now proud to associate with.
OK, maybe that "well-balanced" description is inappropriate! OK, maybe none of those adjectives fit the Viper owner...hmmm...let me think of something positive.......
I'll be back later...