Viper Owner
Disclaimer: Sure seems like a LOT more of these popping up in my Google News bot search this year. Posting these here as reminders to others.... Already been called a 'grim reaper' by a local Viper owner (and friend)! 
Three-car accident in Stafford injures four - Breaking News

Three-car accident in Stafford injures four - Breaking News
STAFFORD TOWNSHIP - A 62-year-old Barnegat man remains in critical condition following a three-car accident Saturday night on Route 9 just south of Marybell Road.
Police said John Fiorentino, 62, of Barnegat, was traveling south on Route 9 at 6:12 p.m. when his 2004 Dodge Viper crossed over into the northbound lane striking a 2007 Lexus driven by Carol P. Holmes, 50, of Barnegat. Holmes' vehicle then ran off the roadway and came to a rest in a wooded area just off Route 9.
Fiorentino's car then crashed into a third vehicle, a 2006 Hyundai Elantra driven by June A. Cicciola, 62, also of Barnegat.
Fiorentino was airlifted to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, city division, with multiple injuries and police said he remains in critical condition.
Steve Narozniak, a passenger in Fiorentino's car, had minor facial lacerations and was treated and released from Southern Ocean Medcial Center.
Holmes was also taken to Southern Ocean Medical Center with multiple non-life threatening injuries.
Jennifer Foss, a passenger in Cicciola's car, was also treated and released from Southern Ocean Medical Center after complaining of neck and back pain.
The crash is still under investigation and anyone with information is asked to call police at 597-1189 extension 8443.