Did anybody know, where I can get stainles steel flex brakeline kits for my viper?
Did anybody know, where I can get stainles steel flex brakeline kits for my viper?
I just installed Stoptech SS lines on my 06. I got them from Jon B. at Parts Rack. A word of caution or rather advise. The lines do not come with install instructions but it is very straight forward to install. There are no instructions available on Stoptech's site either for a gen 3. However the gen 2 instructions are available on their site and worked good as an overall guide especially for securing the ABS line on the fronts. The other thing I found is that the lines in the kit for the front are labeled backwards. In other words the line labled left was actually the right and visa versa. The rears were labled correct. I informed Stoptech about this, I don't know if it was just my kit or is an error in all gen 3 front kits. They are going to look into it and correct as necessary. I also had to reshape the securing bracket for the right front to get the hard line fitting to even come close to lining up with the SS line fitting. Other than those quirks to the install it was very simple. I'd also recommend speedbleeders if your going to replace your lines. They made bleeding the system after line replacement very easy and quick. The speedbleeders are available in either zinc plated or SS. I chose SS but they are twice the cost of the zinc plated ones. 15.00 each vice 7.00. Daves Big brakes has those, or you can get them directly from speedbleeder. Prices are the same from either source. Good luck.
How do you like the rotor and ss lines? How do the brakes feel now? What about pedal feel?
The brakes feel much more repsonsive. Pedal feel is fantastic with these lines. I did the initial bed in proceedure recommended by stoptech. I installed EBC Red Stuff pads in the upgrade, and their bed in proceedure called for basically babying the breaks for two hundred miles before agressive stopping. Stoptech's proceedure was much more agressive. It consisted of 2 intervals of 10 each 60 to 10 mph agressive brakings with a cool down between each interval. I took the car out again today and the brakes feel very good, no squeaking etc. from the EBC red pads. Something I have heard they are notrious for. Even drove through some stop and go stuff in town, nada a squeak. I'd recommend the upgrade to the SS lines and rotors by stoptech. Pads I think are a matter of preference and intended driving habits. Hope this answers your question.
Fast Too -
I plan on installing the Stoptech 2-piece Aerorotors and ss brake lines on my 08. Do you have a link to the Stoptech bed-in procedure? I couldn't find it on their website. Thanks a bunch.
That link didn't come through. Go to Stoptechs site, click on technical information, select white papers, and then hit the link that says "Pad and Rotor Bed-In Theory, Definitions and Procedures NEW"
Hope that helps.
Thank you. I assume that since I will be sticking with the stock pads (at least for now), that I would be using the less aggressive bed-in procedure (2 sets of 10 stops from 60 to 10 mph)?
Also, I had a question about ordering the zinc anti corrosion coating on the Stoptech rotors. What is the benefit of the coating if it will wear off fairly quickly, especially if used for track days or HPDE events? I called Stoptech and the sales rep said the coating would not be useful for me since (1) I intended to use the rotors at the track and (2) I live in the Pacific NW where we do not really have extensive use of salt on roads. Have you noticed that the corrosion protection has made a difference in the appearance or performance of the rotors? How much more did the coating cost?
Again, thanks for all of your feedback.
I think you misunderstood or I poorly communicated it. I did not get the gold zinc anti-corrosion plating. I did not do so for the reason you stated, it wears off so what is the benefit? The regular aerorotors come with a rust inhibitor that must be washed off. The only way you can tell it is gone is when the rotors begin to flash rust. If cleaned properly they resemble how your rotors look immediately following washing your car. When they look like that you have them cleaned properly (rust inhibitor gone) and you can then install them. All that info is in the hard copy sheet that accompanies your new rotors. I did the two sets of 10 as you plan for the bed in. Since your putting these on your 08 the pads should be like new so I don't think you'll have issues sticking to the stock pads other than a lot of dust. Be ready for those babies to smoke at about the 5th hard brake during the first interval of 10. Also don't let your car come to a complete stop with your foot on the pedal while your brakes are very hot or you will imprint significant pad material in one spot, which will lead to vibration due to a high spot created on the rotor. Good luck.
Stainless steel brake lines (from Stoptech via Parts Rack) work very well. Pedal is better and stays better on the track.
FYI, GTS-R Vipers ran brake rotors that were not slotted or drilled and won LeMans three consecutive years. If slotted or drilled brake rotors were better on the track, i.e. dissipated heat better, produced shorter stopping distances and lasted longer, don't you think the folks that developed the GTS-R Vipers would have used them?
While slotted and / or drilled brake rotors look cool, until someone proves that they perform better on the track, I would not spend the dough on these and expect increased brake performance.
Stainless steel brake lines (from Stoptech via Parts Rack) work very well. Pedal is better and stays better on the track.
FYI, GTS-R Vipers ran brake rotors that were not slotted or drilled and won LeMans three consecutive years. If slotted or drilled brake rotors were better on the track, i.e. dissipated heat better, produced shorter stopping distances and lasted longer, don't you think the folks that developed the GTS-R Vipers would have used them?
While slotted and / or drilled brake rotors look cool, until someone proves that they perform better on the track, I would not spend the dough on these and expect increased brake performance.