I'd like to get an idea of how many people are running standalone engine management computers, which ones they're using, and their opinions on using it with the Viper. Anyone?
DLM sometimes uses Motec and other parts. Not sure on the computer they use for most applications though? Doug can tell you more about it then I can.All the top tuners - especially the boost tuners - use programmable computers - ask them and get a profile on the pros and cons of each. Just make sure you buy from them when you choose as a thank you for their help.
re Motec - definitely the best - definitely the most expensive.
BTW - I'm working with a contact at present re a possible stand alone knock sensor that could be used by Viper owners as most tuners do not have them. If anything comes of it I'll post.
If your going to go stand alone emgine mgmt system. Motec is where it is at. Contact SVSI they have the most R&D on this when it comes to vipers.
I would like to know where you get your info about AEM. Robert the Manager over at AEM along with Jonathan (the lead tech) will be supplying West Coast Viper with a unit in middle to late October. PERIOD A full replacement to the factory PCM. Full timing control, band sensors even a knock sensor can be used with the unit...1800 bucks.
Here's a couple of the tuning pages from our VEC2.
It has full fuel control as well as timing advance and retard maps with programmable outputs for relays or injectors (PWM). We have setting preferences for normally aspirated and forced induction.
We're sending out letters and releasing the software next week (please don't ask for it until I finish the manual this weekend )
There are already 103 of them on cars now...