So a few weeks back I get the car, go to the OH BMV, get the title transferred and apply for my vanity plates. Prior to going to the BMV I checked their website and the plate I wanted was available. They write it up and my registration has it listed. They give me a temp. tag with my plate displayed while they make the real one. In Saturday's mail I get a letter from the state saying:
"Special Plates issued by the BMV are a representation of the State. They are viewed not only in Ohio but in other states and countries and are viewed by numerous motorists including families and children. It is not the intent of the BMV to provide motorists with a forum or an avenue for promoting distasteful or offensive messages or causes. ORC 4503.19 authorizes the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to assign a distinctive number to motor vehicle registrants and to determine which combinations will or will not be displayed on the official license plates of the State".
The offensive plate? WILD ASP
***? I've seen asp used at least 10 times, a few times here in OH. The letter goes on to say that I can appeal it, which I certainly will. I went today and got a "regular" plate so at least the car is legal for the next year while I fight them on the vanity plate.
Anyone who has a clear pic of a plate of any state with the word ASP used, please email it to me. I'd like to send in a bunch of pics along with my appeal. Thanks in advance.
"Special Plates issued by the BMV are a representation of the State. They are viewed not only in Ohio but in other states and countries and are viewed by numerous motorists including families and children. It is not the intent of the BMV to provide motorists with a forum or an avenue for promoting distasteful or offensive messages or causes. ORC 4503.19 authorizes the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to assign a distinctive number to motor vehicle registrants and to determine which combinations will or will not be displayed on the official license plates of the State".
The offensive plate? WILD ASP
***? I've seen asp used at least 10 times, a few times here in OH. The letter goes on to say that I can appeal it, which I certainly will. I went today and got a "regular" plate so at least the car is legal for the next year while I fight them on the vanity plate.
Anyone who has a clear pic of a plate of any state with the word ASP used, please email it to me. I'd like to send in a bunch of pics along with my appeal. Thanks in advance.