Viper Owner
Can we get a sticky that lists the different stages of the vipers manufacturing codes, ie D1 etc. so that I don't have to memorize them.
Thanks for the info. Thats alot of codes, too much to memorize.
I would still like a sticky so that when I read a post with a code I can go directly to it and see what there talking about.
Print this page.
D then D1, ...E F and G go by in a matter of days, then u can sit in I for 3 weeks to months, then once it hits J it is shipped usually in a less than a week
i believe it is in I while the stripes and saleen work is being done
me too.I have my own codes:
OE - ordered and excited
PTBPOVCA - passing time by posting on VCA
DC - dealer calls
CGFV - clean garage for Viper
EBA - empty bank account
DHWS - drive home with smile
IMG - in my garage
PPOVCA - post pics on VCA
I'm currently stuck in PTBPOVCA.
It's on the front page here. All you have to do is click on classifieds, the dropdown opens and click IVR.
My dealer just emailed me this morning and my ACR is in D1 status.
I searched but couldn't find a post for a discussion on the average delivery times after it hits a certain code.
For those of you who have ordered how long did it take after yours hit D1 status?
I am still waiting for my ACR but it was in D1 for three months and will probably be in I status for a couple more motns.
That doesn't sound but thanks for the information. That means I won't see mine until at least December.