Viper Wizard
It's that time of year for the Wizard's Tech Session, October 16th, 0900 @ Tator's Garage, South Salem, NY rain or shine. Subject this years is installing 1.7 roller rockets on a GENII start to finish along with fielding any and all Viper questions, plus a free diagnostic hook-up for all Vipers that day. 
Itinerary for the day:
0900-0930 Meet & greet, coffee, Danish and yes there will be "Wizard's" eggs.
0930-1000 Technical briefing and pre-test
1000-1200 Tech Session
1200-1300 Lunch, Pizza
1300-1500 Tech Session
1500-1530 De-briefing and final test and scoring
Please let me know if you'd like to join us. I need a head count for food!
List so far:
The Shadow
John + 1
Itinerary for the day:
0900-0930 Meet & greet, coffee, Danish and yes there will be "Wizard's" eggs.

0930-1000 Technical briefing and pre-test
1000-1200 Tech Session
1200-1300 Lunch, Pizza
1300-1500 Tech Session
1500-1530 De-briefing and final test and scoring

Please let me know if you'd like to join us. I need a head count for food!
List so far:
The Shadow
John + 1