Had a horrible experience with him. I wont bore you with the details. Never again...end of story!!
Was it a horrible experience, or the experience was good but the truck took a sh*t on you. I seem to remember the power adder wasn't running right or something like that... motor took a dump. right?
He bought a used SRT Ram with a Paxton on it. The Paxton was installed by Macaedo and was traded in by Lee Saunders. When he was looking at the truck he asked me to check it out. The truck was nice and I even looked at the tune on my laptop (no changes made) then Larry Macedo cofirmed to me that it had the stock Paxton tune "untouched". After Dave bought the truck, others had their hands on it. I believe this also included the tuning. Anyway, the engine blew up on the dyno and since then it seems like every one from Saunders, Macedo, Ringgold, unnamed tuning/dyno folks and maybe even Dodge and Paxton have been blamed.
I have bitten my tongue a hundred times after seeing this crap in his sig and other posts he has made. Bottom line: Dave bought a used hotrod truck that was under no warranty whatsoever.
He is still crying because no one will pay for him a motor. I have yet to see in any post (here and other sites) where he has taken any responsibility for his own actions. I'm sorry this happened for everyone involved, but when you play with hotrods sometimes **** happens. If he wanted a warranty and no problems he should have bought a stock truck.