The Third Annual Premier Sportscar Show and Viper Gathering was a huge success, with great food , a band, and a lot of help getting other folks to assist with sponsoring the event (National VCA, Ridemakerz, stores in Branson Landing, Corsa, etc.). Chris Guyer of Premier went out of his way to get tons of people to step up with the big get together, and I know that helped out Tim and Dawn Wollesen a lot. These two went above and beyond (we even had little tins of Viper M&M's in our rooms with a welcome card). I could be my typical windy self and talk about all the preparation, the work on selecting the cruise through the Ozark Mountains, the activities (like the dinner at a Comedy Club) and I will only slightly hit on the tremendous amount of work these two did. Heck, they even enlisted " Redneck " Dave Koenigsfeld to check out the route , and he covered the entire 90+ plus mile with his gas powered leaf blower, clearing off all the dangerous corners that were deep in debris from the 10 inch rain that hit just a bit before the event. Dave now has long stretches of road that bear signs stating......................" This area of road cleared of litter by a Redneck Viper Owner." Amy Koenigsfeld was heard to remark that she was really proud and the house was nice and quiet with Dave gone for extended periods of time. She supposedly has volunteered Dave for another 100 miles stretch of road to patrol, though she could only find an area this long about 200 miles away in N. Missouri --- way to go Dave.
Seriously, this was an event , that when help again, you need to make it to, and though I am sure I am forgetting many folks that contributed , Tim and Dawn have turned this into a spectacular time for many Viper owners ------ it is now a labor of love, and the expression is to show how much they care for all their Viper Family!!!
Way to go guys!
Special thanks also go to the Presidents of the Gateway Club (Kneemueller), Kansas City (Corum) and Mid-South (Zimmerman) for contributing to the success of da big hilly - billy speedfest!!!
Seriously, this was an event , that when help again, you need to make it to, and though I am sure I am forgetting many folks that contributed , Tim and Dawn have turned this into a spectacular time for many Viper owners ------ it is now a labor of love, and the expression is to show how much they care for all their Viper Family!!!
Way to go guys!
Special thanks also go to the Presidents of the Gateway Club (Kneemueller), Kansas City (Corum) and Mid-South (Zimmerman) for contributing to the success of da big hilly - billy speedfest!!!