I don't believe you. Post the name of this miracle product that you "use." Billions of people throughout the world frequent this forum daily and read these posts. They can truly see that your veracity and verity is being questioned and is ultimately on the line. Now you can either tell us the name of this "wunderkind" and exhibit and uphold the rectitude that you embody or otherwise show to the whole world that you are simply no more than an equivocal pontificator.
Your post epitomizes that of the finish saboteurs that appear ubiquitously on this forum. However, my altruistic nature is giving you the chance to show the entire world who and what you really are. However, your equivocal statement(s) leads us to believe that you are no more than an ostentatious charlatan. The absence of the name of this product fails to corraborate your plethora of boasting. But, for your sake, there is still hope. You can tell us the name of this product and not only show, but prove to the whole world of your veracious character that lies within. For it is definitely being questioned, and is ultimately on the line. From the mountains of Tibet, through the plains of Cambodia, to the pyramids in Timbuktu; the whole world is watching, and they are watching you.
Sheesh! I leave the house to go to work for a few hours and look what happens. I should have known better than to blaspheme the Zaino cult...again. I will be shuttering the house at night for fear of reprisal.
I take righteous umbrage at the above 'mean spirited' statements.
For the record: I am unequivocally not a pontificator! I boast not! My veracity is intact! I say nay to charlatan as well.
So saying---for the billions of people waiting with bated (or unbated) breath..........the wax I am currently using---- is called ------Liquid Lustre. There, I said it. I am not saying that there aren't better products out there---just that it's the best I've used to date for a lasting shine. I've been waxing cars for over 40 years and have tried many different kinds. I came across this stuff about 3 years ago at a car show from a car builder who builds and/or restores cars for a living. Some of these cars are one of a kind that come to him from different parts of the US and Canada. Reggie White had a couple cars in his shop when I visited there at a later date. I asked what he was currently using for wax and he matter of factly told me it was this stuff. Not that it was the best---just that he had tried it and thought it worked pretty good. That was good enough for me to get a quart or two. For all I know, he has tried many kinds since then. Haven't seen or talked to him since.
Are you going to tell us what this miracle wax is? Don't even think about telling me it is a Carnuba and you are getting 36 washes throughout the winter, I will have to call BS on that one.
The bottle says it is a Carnuba wax and perhaps I was off by a couple washes. I multiplied 4x9 months to get 36. The car is actually only out for 6 months of the year, but it sometimes gets washed more than once a week. I stand by my beading statement at the end of each winter. Of course it doesn't bead like a fresh coat, but there is beading. I've never used a wax before that had any beading left at the end of winter. Oh, and did I mention shine? I've never seen a car shine like this at the end of winter either. I wax this car once a year---in the spring before I put it away for the summer.
Enthusiast Agentf1, I am guessing that the Phila suberbs is the Philadelphia area. Unless you are from someplace else........someplace that actually has a winter, I fail to see how you can offer an objective opinion on my winter usage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I did a quick check at the National Weather Service site and it looks like you had all of 18" of snow this past winter. Can that be true?? We had a light year this year with 220 inches. 2 years ago it was over 300. Heavy, heavy salt and sand. I take your comment with a grain of salt---so to speak.
Not sure how much more of this verbal banter and abuse I can take, but as of this writing, I will not be switching to the dark side of the........."finish saboteur extraordinaire"..........at least not until it becomes something as easy to use as what I do now....and at a reasonable price.