
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
yes but horsepower isnt everything, how about torque and its powercurve. Sounds just like a gm fan to come on a viper board and try to convince everyone that the ZO6 is better than a viper. Oh and remember the viper still has more horsepower than a z06 even after gm tried to cheat on the numbers and make a new way to calculate horsepower. After dodge put the viper on the new system to calculate horsepower it beat the zo6

Can you guess what river this is?
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I believe I know what RIVER that was isn't that the river that runs through URANUS


Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
yes but horsepower isnt everything, how about torque and its powercurve. Sounds just like a gm fan to come on a viper board and try to convince everyone that the ZO6 is better than a viper. Oh and remember the viper still has more horsepower than a z06 even after gm tried to cheat on the numbers and make a new way to calculate horsepower. After dodge put the viper on the new system to calculate horsepower it beat the zo6

Can you guess what river this is?
You must be registered for see images attach

I believe I know what RIVER that was isn't that the river that runs through URANUS ? :D


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
vipers got 5 more hp
vipers got 50 more tq
Vipers got a better torgue curve
vettes got less weight
vettes got more Rpm

some mags have the vette faster some the viper from 0 - 60 to 1/4 mile ect.

everyone knows it takes MORE skill to drive a viper because its ALOT less forgiving and has no TC so the HUGE diffrence in times might be due to that factor.

not to mention the fact that alot of cars are "built up" for the mag tests (this can go for either car)

so which cars REALLY FASTER?? not talking about bullsh!t dynos or mag tests or anything like that the truth is who REALLY knows yet NO ONE.

Only way to REALLY tell will be with 2 equal drivers with 2 BONE STOCK cars run it.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Only way to REALLY tell will be with 2 equal drivers with 2 BONE STOCK cars run it.
And therein lies the rub: Unless you have the same driver (not two different drivers) run both cars back-to-back (like magazine tests often do), you can't determine the outcome. Why? Because whichever car loses, those owners/fans will say it was because the other car had a better driver - no matter who that driver is. And with the traction control (which itself has different levels of assistance in addition to "off"), the Vette makes all but the professionals better drivers in a 0-60 or quarter mile run. This is no "love fest" for the Vette, simply factual information.

Since I originally posted this thread I drove a new Z06. I think it can take my SRT (barely), but I won't take it. The Viper offers more excitement and I like the headturning aspect the Vette just doesn't offer. Even one of the new Z06 (in bright red) owners I spoke with said he was "invisible" coming home with it, unlike when he takes his black ACR out for a drive. For that reason alone I love the Viper. And 510 HP doesn't hurt either... :2tu:


Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
sonoma, ca usa
Right on! I would just add; from the normal line of production and actually owned by the public. If you have ever driven actual production line Ferrari's and compared them to the 'magazine tested cars' there is no comparison. The accelleration is a good 1/2 second slower on actual production line cars. This has been true of most Corvette mag tests as well and it appears so with the Ford Gt as well.
I will never believe the mags unless it can be corroborated by the actual owners of the tested cars and you will probably never see this because the true results may offend a large advertiser. The mags job is to drum up interest for the advertisers so they can sell cars.

You may be correct, but why did you not take the two cars to a "track" and do the first real world test? If your srt is stock this could have been the definitive real world comparison test we are all looking for. Next time please just bring a friend or meet the friend at a predetermined location and get it on. Not looking for numbers, just which is faster thru the gears in a straight line. Just be sure it's a demo zo6 so it has some miles on it.


Viper IV

May 20, 2004
Reaction score
East Bay Area, Calif
I just had to add a smile to those reading this post.
I been "hunting" the freeways here in Calif for a new Z06 that
was willing to play. I gave him a sandbag 4th gear chug-a-lug throttle and he bit on it.
He took off a car length ahead of me and I downshifted to third, caught, passed and pulled away much to his shagrin. I slowed down and when he caught up he gave me a very reluctant thumbs up and pulled off the freeway. I don't think he will be
so playfull next time he runs up along a new Viper.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
WHen I 1st got my Viper there was a post I read somewhere in the internet when I couldn't decide between a few "exotics" in my price range.. The choices were as follows:

1. Viper
2. Corvette
3. Porsche

Someone posted imagine going for a drive and going by a some folks. You drive by in the vette and noone will even bat an eye. Go by in the porsche, same attitude. Yet drive by in the viper and you'll get this.. "HOLY **** man, there goes a viper." Seriously, that statement shifted my direction into which car to get and I think today it still holds true. There will always be a faster car and I think the Viper in a couple years will be back on top again. YOu can't beat the V10 and cubes.. Besides, who leaves their car stock anyways? ;) :)



May 17, 2002
Reaction score
You forgot the Honda, also in the same price range. Gets visual attention but lacked the performance.


Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Phila Suburbs
Very well written Chris. Yes, chevy does deserve a pat on the back and so far it does seem that they did an excellent job with the new Z06. You would think that I would jump on the bandwagon and run back to chevy but I think I still want a Viper. Just my luck I finally convince myself to make the move and now the Viper is no longer on top. You would think that with everybody that I know that has owned a Viper telling me I won't be happy with a Viper, and reading on here some of its shortcomings like the heat issues and having to drive 2 hours to find a good dealer to service the car would deter me but noooo, I still want a Viper, if they are as bad as everybody is telling me I guess I will have to find out for myself. I am tired of loosing a ton of money on every vette I own and when I go to a cruise night taking my Lightning because it is more exclusive and probably won't see another one there like I do when I take the Z06. In my Z06 I usually see 4 just like it. There is a reason they are so popular, they are dynamite cars to drive but they just do not seem to hold their value like the Vipers do, they make to many of them for that. Optimally I would love to have both, the Viper that I would keep forever and keep the mileage low etc etc and the latest greatest vette to drive whenever I wanted. This was my original intention when I bought my Z06 but the IT market and economy has taken a dive and it did not work out that way. It is actually hard just trying to keep the Z06 and heat my house anymore. OK, maybe I am exagerating a little, the vette is paid off and my thermostat is on 76 (I like it warm) but things are not as good as they were before 9/01. Hopefully I will find a nice low mileage Graphite w/stripes GTS when I am ready and can hook up with some of you guys for some Viper cruises soon but even if it does not work out that way and I do end up in another Z06 it seems that I cannot lose either way. Hopefully it will go back to pre 9/11 times and I will be able to put both in my garage. Regardless, competition is good, right... :2tu:


Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
Oh god... thank you for your post!! i couldn't agree more! if i wanted a vette, a vette, a vette, and maybe yes, wait... i see, another vette, i would have gotten one. i don't care either who can take who in the ring. i'm all grown up now and get my excitement from being a little different then the crowd of "apple pie" heads out there. So next year the viper will add another 50 horse and trump the vette. then what??!@$#$%#%^&^^()**_) the merry go round goes round goes round and round while i enjoy being different evertime i hit the damn gas peddle and watch another vette boy drive by with his mouth open. as far as the "c" word goes... see one-see em all. as far as the viper goes... see few if at all. I like that slogan better :) speaking of apple pie... my wife's just buzzed done in the oven. i think after we're done... i'll give my baby a piece to munch on in the garage too.


Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
Spring, Texas
GM is only building 5000 new ZO6"s so you wont see one every day like a lot of you are talking about. I cant wait to see the last day at voi 9. What will DC crush for us in the parking lot this time? A Camaro?


May 17, 2002
Reaction score
You forgot the Honda, also in the same price range. Gets visual attention but lacked the performance.

Honda? You're kidding me right?

An NSX, and no I am not kidding you. Back in the early to mid 90's it was a viable option, though with a much different package.


Dec 27, 2001
Reaction score
Phila Suburbs
GM is only building 5000 new ZO6"s so you wont see one every day like a lot of you are talking about. I cant wait to see the last day at voi 9. What will DC crush for us in the parking lot this time? A Camaro?

GM only built approximately 7500 C5 Z06's a year, approx 25% of the total run of vettes. That is approx 32000 total C5 Z06's, about as many from 01 to 04 as they made corvettes in one year since they sell about 35000 vettes a year. 5000 C6 Z06's is not a real low number, atleast when compared to vipers. Just like when the C5 Z came out they are pretty exclusive right now but give it a few years. I think (svtperformance is down right now) they made aprox 1500 Lightnings a year. Total Lightning production is equal to about the # of C5 Z06's made in one year. Please to not hold me to these # as they are approximate but I think pretty close to reality.

All that being said, there are some advantages to the high #'s such as cost of mods. I have also met alot of great people through the hobby. You also cannot deny that they really are a great car and fun to drive. I am sure this contributes to everybody wanting and having one. But as I stated in my previous post it kills resale. Ideally I would like to have both, the Viper for those special occasions that I could enjoy it but yet keep the mileage low keeping its value high, and the latest greatest vette every 3 years to just have fun.

There also seems to be a flip side to every coin. The dissavantage to the exclusivity of the Viper is all the attention it gets, actually this one goes both ways. You cannot just park it anywhere and leave it unattended and not worry about it. You have the jelous people, and tickets. Again, this is just another reason why everybody should have both.


Apr 11, 2001
Reaction score
East Setauket,NY,USA
Depending on the magazine, maybe the ZO6 Vette is faster than the Viper....Maybe not.
To me, the real issue is that Chevrolet built a more comfortable, more technologically advanced car with comparable performance (if not out performing) for almost $20,000 LESS!
My hats off to them.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Depending on the magazine, maybe the ZO6 Vette is faster than the Viper....Maybe not.
To me, the real issue is that Chevrolet built a more comfortable, more technologically advanced car with comparable performance (if not out performing) for almost $20,000 LESS!
My hats off to them.

Yes, hats off to chevy, but seems that you have no idea what the Viper is all about. A 20 year-old vette is more technologically advanced than the newest Viper! Vipers have NEVER been about technology. It's a PURISTS' car for crying out loud! :rolleyes:

I don't understand why these people don't just buy a friggin vette for their tc and hud? Heck, it's $20k cheaper. :rolleyes:


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Like I said before mags can say whatever (im talking about the mags that hav ethe viper ahead also) but until you see a real world race then know REALLY knows, WITH EQUAL DRIVERS.

The only question that mags answer is who made THAT test car faster to bring to the mag tests, thats all and lets be real with the performance so close to one another THAT in itself can be the deciding factor, not to mention the snake requires more "finess" to drive because its less forgiving and most snake owners accept this (I do) and those 2 reasons are the ONLY 2 I can think of that can explain how the tests are SOOOOOOOO much diffrent from mag to mag on BOTH cars.

WE NEED to see real world WITH EQUAL DRIVERS!!!!! until then NO ONE REALLY KNOWS we can spec all we want.


Viper Owner
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
Lake Murray, SC
Well, I finally made it to the end of this thread. To all the worriers all I can offer is this. Loosen your belts and take a peek down. See! they are still there. The new ZO-6 has not emasculated you.

Now go out and take your Viper for a nice ride. You'll feel much better. :rolleyes:


Apr 11, 2001
Reaction score
East Setauket,NY,USA
[/QUOTE] Yes, hats off to chevy, but seems that you have no idea what the Viper is all about. A 20 year-old vette is more technologically advanced than the newest Viper! Vipers have NEVER been about technology. It's a PURISTS' car for crying out loud! :rolleyes:

I don't understand why these people don't just buy a friggin vette for their tc and hud? Heck, it's $20k cheaper. :rolleyes:


C'mon now, let's not get silly. Define a purists car. Is it a Model T Ford, a '67 GTO, A Hemi 'Cuda, a Viper.....and I'm not talking about the presence, or lack thereof, of a cup holder.
If a purists craves performance, than what's wrong with saving 20K? And you can take that 20 thousand and modify the heck out of a ZO6 and build a car that would beat a Viper in any magazine. Don't get me wrong. I own a Viper and would never consider buying a Vette in it's place. And I do understand what the Viper is all about. I also own a couple of other cars that you might consider fit for a "purist".
A few short years ago everyone was glowing about how Viper delivered similar performance to the Italian Imports for thousands of dollars less. Well, guess what? the tables have turned. DC is now in the unenviable position of playing "catch up" at least to the non Viper owning automobile community. The question is will they?
Vipers days are numbered. It's not in DC's financial interest to continue this race. And unfortunately, the business of automobile manufacturing is not about catering to "purists". It's about dollars and cents.Unfortunately, the ZO6 may be the last nail in the coffin for Viper as we know it. If I owned neither a Viper or a Vette and was on the fence about which one to buy.....well you know where I'm going with this.


Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix Arizona
When Kumho does a V700 in 19" that will fit on the SRT 10/Z06 (they could split the width down the middle and make a tire that fits both cars), if you do not other mod than swap the rear rubber to the stickies, with more torque and no traction control the Viper "should" pick up way more performance and woop the Z06 easy in accleration tests from a standstill.


Viper Owner
Sep 25, 2001
Reaction score
Hollywood, CA
When Kumho does a V700 in 19" that will fit on the SRT 10/Z06 (they could split the width down the middle and make a tire that fits both cars), if you do not other mod than swap the rear rubber to the stickies, with more torque and no traction control the Viper "should" pick up way more performance and woop the Z06 easy in accleration tests from a standstill.

You don't really believe that do you?


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
Yes, hats off to chevy, but seems that you have no idea what the Viper is all about. A 20 year-old vette is more technologically advanced than the newest Viper! Vipers have NEVER been about technology. It's a PURISTS' car for crying out loud! :rolleyes:

I don't understand why these people don't just buy a friggin vette for their tc and hud? Heck, it's $20k cheaper. :rolleyes:


C'mon now, let's not get silly. Define a purists car. Is it a Model T Ford, a '67 GTO, A Hemi 'Cuda, a Viper.....and I'm not talking about the presence, or lack thereof, of a cup holder.
If a purists craves performance, than what's wrong with saving 20K? And you can take that 20 thousand and modify the heck out of a ZO6 and build a car that would beat a Viper in any magazine. Don't get me wrong. I own a Viper and would never consider buying a Vette in it's place. And I do understand what the Viper is all about. I also own a couple of other cars that you might consider fit for a "purist".
A few short years ago everyone was glowing about how Viper delivered similar performance to the Italian Imports for thousands of dollars less. Well, guess what? the tables have turned. DC is now in the unenviable position of playing "catch up" at least to the non Viper owning automobile community. The question is will they?
Vipers days are numbered. It's not in DC's financial interest to continue this race. And unfortunately, the business of automobile manufacturing is not about catering to "purists". It's about dollars and cents.Unfortunately, the ZO6 may be the last nail in the coffin for Viper as we know it. If I owned neither a Viper or a Vette and was on the fence about which one to buy.....well you know where I'm going with this.


You're picking a fight not realizing you're actually agreeing with me. The Viper and Vette are completely different cars. As I've already said, hats off to GM. The z06 is awesome... tech nannies and all. But it's no Viper. Just like the Viper is no lambo. And yes, a Model-T IS a purists' car... just not a purist's race car.

At this point I wouldn't be suprised by anything DC does. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. So let me make the same point on a different thread: If it's all about the financial interest for DC... explain the poor selling SLR.


Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina
Yes, hats off to chevy, but seems that you have no idea what the Viper is all about. A 20 year-old vette is more technologically advanced than the newest Viper! Vipers have NEVER been about technology. It's a PURISTS' car for crying out loud! :rolleyes:

I don't understand why these people don't just buy a friggin vette for their tc and hud? Heck, it's $20k cheaper. :rolleyes:


C'mon now, let's not get silly. Define a purists car. Is it a Model T Ford, a '67 GTO, A Hemi 'Cuda, a Viper.....and I'm not talking about the presence, or lack thereof, of a cup holder.
If a purists craves performance, than what's wrong with saving 20K? And you can take that 20 thousand and modify the heck out of a ZO6 and build a car that would beat a Viper in any magazine. Don't get me wrong. I own a Viper and would never consider buying a Vette in it's place. And I do understand what the Viper is all about. I also own a couple of other cars that you might consider fit for a "purist".
A few short years ago everyone was glowing about how Viper delivered similar performance to the Italian Imports for thousands of dollars less. Well, guess what? the tables have turned. DC is now in the unenviable position of playing "catch up" at least to the non Viper owning automobile community. The question is will they?
Vipers days are numbered. It's not in DC's financial interest to continue this race. And unfortunately, the business of automobile manufacturing is not about catering to "purists". It's about dollars and cents.Unfortunately, the ZO6 may be the last nail in the coffin for Viper as we know it. If I owned neither a Viper or a Vette and was on the fence about which one to buy.....well you know where I'm going with this.


It will take more than 20K to beat any viper. You ever driven a modded viper?? I'm not talking about smooth tubes, filter, exhaust. I'm talking about one of these 1000 + rwhp monsters???????


Oct 4, 2000
Reaction score
South Florida, USA
yea, maybe if you added the sticky tires to the Viper and not the Vette....

When Kumho does a V700 in 19" that will fit on the SRT 10/Z06 (they could split the width down the middle and make a tire that fits both cars), if you do not other mod than swap the rear rubber to the stickies, with more torque and no traction control the Viper "should" pick up way more performance and woop the Z06 easy in accleration tests from a standstill.

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