A couple of people on another post said they would read my post as long as I am writing. Here is the story of how ViperLSS, me first came to work at CAAP.
In May of 1995 I was working at a robotics manufacturing company. I wanted a change. Something new. And better benefits for my wife and three kids. I went to the unemployment office to ask about applying for one of the big three. That's Ford, GM, and Chrysler in case you didn't know. Because I was an Army veteran I was allowed to take the aptitude test with out being placed on the waiting list.
I passed all their test. The last one was a physical or drug screening. When I went for that test there was another employee from the same shop that I was working in. We'll call him Bob. I for got his real name. We both knew that we couldn't tell anyone at our shop about us taking time off work to apply for another job. So we didn't.
Well Bob got hired two weeks later at Mound Road Engine. This was great news for me because that meant that one of the big three was hiring. So I waited for my letter to come in the mail. And I waited, and waited.
Fast forward a few months. At this time I had a post office box. Most of the time I check it once a week. But when I went this time I hadn't been there for over two weeks. I found a letter from Chrysler. I though "What do these guys want"? I opened the letter and read it. They wanted to consider me for employment at Conner Avenue Assembly. Where was this plant? It didn't matter I would find it. The letter also noted that I had to call their number by...check the date, today! I had picked up the letter the same day as the dead line for my required reply to this employment letter. Wait! There was also a time! It read kind of like this, "Please reply to this letter no later than December 31, 2010 at 1pm". Quick...check the time, OH NO! It was now two hours past the time on the letter. As fast as I could I got some change out of my pocket and got to the pay phone. Yes there were pay phones around at this time.
The lady that answered was very understanding. And stated that I wasn't to late at all. I was given a time, place, and date to take another drug screening. If everything was good there I would be given a time and date to report to Conner for my interview.
What makes this part of my story even more incredible is that I did not get hired to Conner until one year and nine months later. That is the reason I had to take another drug test. they're only good for one year.
In my next post I'll tell you how my interview went. And how I got there.
In May of 1995 I was working at a robotics manufacturing company. I wanted a change. Something new. And better benefits for my wife and three kids. I went to the unemployment office to ask about applying for one of the big three. That's Ford, GM, and Chrysler in case you didn't know. Because I was an Army veteran I was allowed to take the aptitude test with out being placed on the waiting list.
I passed all their test. The last one was a physical or drug screening. When I went for that test there was another employee from the same shop that I was working in. We'll call him Bob. I for got his real name. We both knew that we couldn't tell anyone at our shop about us taking time off work to apply for another job. So we didn't.
Well Bob got hired two weeks later at Mound Road Engine. This was great news for me because that meant that one of the big three was hiring. So I waited for my letter to come in the mail. And I waited, and waited.
Fast forward a few months. At this time I had a post office box. Most of the time I check it once a week. But when I went this time I hadn't been there for over two weeks. I found a letter from Chrysler. I though "What do these guys want"? I opened the letter and read it. They wanted to consider me for employment at Conner Avenue Assembly. Where was this plant? It didn't matter I would find it. The letter also noted that I had to call their number by...check the date, today! I had picked up the letter the same day as the dead line for my required reply to this employment letter. Wait! There was also a time! It read kind of like this, "Please reply to this letter no later than December 31, 2010 at 1pm". Quick...check the time, OH NO! It was now two hours past the time on the letter. As fast as I could I got some change out of my pocket and got to the pay phone. Yes there were pay phones around at this time.
The lady that answered was very understanding. And stated that I wasn't to late at all. I was given a time, place, and date to take another drug screening. If everything was good there I would be given a time and date to report to Conner for my interview.
What makes this part of my story even more incredible is that I did not get hired to Conner until one year and nine months later. That is the reason I had to take another drug test. they're only good for one year.
In my next post I'll tell you how my interview went. And how I got there.