He was just trying to keep everthing cool in the NY/CT because we dont need anymore problems here.
We got enough problems in the NY/CT on our own we don't need a$$clowns like you making it worse, your the one who sounds stupid stay to your own damn state and **** when you hear grown folks talking.
P.S I have talked to Viper D many times and he is far from stupid and he is also one of the coolest guys on this board FYI.
STUGOTS, you typically come across as bad as Viper D does on the boards, so your statements have no weight. Until the two of you learn to post better, or at least read what people post and respond more appropriately, both of you will continue to be treated in a condescending manner. You may not like it, but until you change your ways, that's how it's going to be. Now you're probably thinking "yer an ***" or something, without actually considering what I'm saying, and that's your perogative. But as it stands now, many posts I see by the two of you are juvenile, ignorant, ghetto, and/or e-**** in nature. Viper D had a decent post once the matter got cleared up for him above, but then you jumped in and continued to demonstrate your inability to think coherently. Instead, it would benefit you to read what people post and give it some consideration before rattling off some half-cocked post. It was absolutely inane for you to post what you did after seeing the clarity brought to thread by Tony's subsequent posts, and obviously Viper D got it, so why didn't you? You may think you're a big boy now, but a Viper isn't what makes you big, it's how you act.
You can take my posts (or not take them) however you want I could care less your nobody, You talk about how I act you were the first one to knock anyone in this entire thread everyone else was dealing with it in a respectful manor why coulden't you? "A viper isn't what makes you big it's how you act" who did you act when I frist came to this board? posted right after me in every single post I made just to bust
b@lls THAT was "juvenile".
Look back at my recent posts and NONE of them have been "juvenile, ignorant or ghetto" they have been all trying to get info or giving info to others (what little that I do know) so check the facts before you have a loose jaw and as far as "being treated in a condescending manner" and "haveing no weight" that B.S I am cool with many MANY people on this board that have help me out of jams and so fourth.
As far as "the matter got cleared up for him above, but then you jumped in and continued to demonstrate your inability to think coherently" Maybe it was after the fact I will give you that BUT I wasent on here for a day or so and by the time I saw it it had been resolved I still felt it was B.S what you said and decided to say my piece non the less.
Bottom line You dont like our posts when you see our names just skip the post and read the next. for some strange reason you feel that YOU have to be the one to tell everyone that their comments are "stupid" well opinions are like a$$holes everyones got one but sometimes you need to hold ya tonge and keep them to yourself.
Now I admit I should not have fliped AFTER the fact and it was already resolved but are you man enough to admit that you should have handled it diffrent and called his post stupid? I mean he misread for christ sakes could happen to anyone big deal but YOU took it to another level.
All I said was that he was way off on this one. he then started calling me stupid (hows that for grown up) now he types how we should grow up. hello I am grown up!!! Thats why i held back what i really thought the 1st time! (and just said your way off not stupid) Have respect and you will get respect!
Stu your 1000% right!
thanks for getting my back getto brother