VIN: 1B3-JR65Z03V-500415
Received a call last Thursday, 1/23, that our Viper was on the truck. The driver had called them for directions.
We ordered a silver SRT on 1/22/02, our reservation # 12309, from Royal Dodge in Franklin, TN. Drove up to Franklin this beautiful morning, a three hour drive, and discovered a new name on the place. It is now Alexander Dodge.
After checking the car out, it really is fabulous, we sat down to write a check and drive it home. I guess the red flags were flying when the Salesman asked, "We don't have any paperwork on this, what was the deal?" I gave him a copy of the Buyer's Order and he left. He came back and stated that his Manager would not accept the deal. I asked to talk with his Manager. Bob Webb identified himself as the New Car Sales Manager and stated that, "The new owner would not honor this deal." (And that is verbatim.)
If that does not surprise you, try contacting DC for a little help; endless 800 referrals after endless menus, everybody claiming immunity from dealer actions, and lots of bad music while on endless holds. Boys and girls, Osama hides in the DC help system and will not be found. Bottom line is that DC claims they cannot or will not do anything. Now that is a surprise.
The folks at Alexander Dodge made it very clear that DC had nothing to say after the car was invoiced to them. It was theirs to do with whatever they wanted.
I'll let you name the amount and the odds that they attempt to sell it at something north of a gouge and way south of integrity.
Hope your SRT-10 experience is better.
BTW The Buyer's Order and the Reservation Certificate are signed and dated if any legal eagles want to take a look. Hell, I'd even throw in a few bucks if it would get DC some backbone and keep someone else from getting the shaft.
Billy P bring on the GT-40.
Received a call last Thursday, 1/23, that our Viper was on the truck. The driver had called them for directions.
We ordered a silver SRT on 1/22/02, our reservation # 12309, from Royal Dodge in Franklin, TN. Drove up to Franklin this beautiful morning, a three hour drive, and discovered a new name on the place. It is now Alexander Dodge.
After checking the car out, it really is fabulous, we sat down to write a check and drive it home. I guess the red flags were flying when the Salesman asked, "We don't have any paperwork on this, what was the deal?" I gave him a copy of the Buyer's Order and he left. He came back and stated that his Manager would not accept the deal. I asked to talk with his Manager. Bob Webb identified himself as the New Car Sales Manager and stated that, "The new owner would not honor this deal." (And that is verbatim.)
If that does not surprise you, try contacting DC for a little help; endless 800 referrals after endless menus, everybody claiming immunity from dealer actions, and lots of bad music while on endless holds. Boys and girls, Osama hides in the DC help system and will not be found. Bottom line is that DC claims they cannot or will not do anything. Now that is a surprise.
The folks at Alexander Dodge made it very clear that DC had nothing to say after the car was invoiced to them. It was theirs to do with whatever they wanted.
I'll let you name the amount and the odds that they attempt to sell it at something north of a gouge and way south of integrity.
Hope your SRT-10 experience is better.
BTW The Buyer's Order and the Reservation Certificate are signed and dated if any legal eagles want to take a look. Hell, I'd even throw in a few bucks if it would get DC some backbone and keep someone else from getting the shaft.
Billy P bring on the GT-40.