Viper Owner
I think we could all take a little advice from my 5 year old (but not completely
.) We were just lying down on his bed playing with matchbox cars. I had a Hummer and he had a Corvette. I said to him, "You know, that car you have there is a Corvette." He said "So"? I said "The Corvette is the Viper's arch-enemy." He then said something profound (and quite funny.) He said "Dad, why are you always so negative? Can't the Viper and the Corvette just be brothers? They are both nice looking and they both go fast." Now if he'd said "and they are both American" then I'd have had a heart attack. But back to the point. I would have to say that 100% of the Corvette owners I have passed on the road (that have seen me enough in advance) honk, wave or give a thumbs up. I'm NOT a Vette guy but the Vette owners have always been very nice.