The very best Viper ever built !!

09 Venom

Feb 14, 2005
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New York
I like it when people actually make sense..
I just love the car, too. Would trade my Gen IV for one if was comfortable with the $ but not right now. I cannot remember many OWNERS of the Gen V complaining at all. I think it is a real value IMHO. Enjoy.

Jack B

Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
NE Ohio
What is interesting is the fact that many/many of these critics have a low number of posts and all of sudden they come alive to double their post numbers by criticizimg the G5.

Sort of a moot point, but, there was another thread where a G4 owner had a positive post about liking his G4, RedSLed makes the comment that his Hennesey G2 is "better" and that was totally unsolicited. Nothing like having illusions of grandeur and low self esteem, Obviously that last comment was a generality.

I would like to challenge the REDSLED to a drag race and/or an autox course against my G5. If he is within 500 miles of NE Ohio I will meet him at location that is approximately half way,
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Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
Indeed. Uncharacteristic "need to validate my Gen.V purchase" induced c_____ **** by many posters in this thread.

At least we aren't going into previous gen forums telling everyone our car is better...

It is like the gen v owners aren't even viper owners, you guys keep pitting yourselves against us. Shame.


Jul 14, 2009
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SRT should toss on some loyalty cash for current Viper owners, that might help move some more Gen Vs. And im not talking $1,000 either.


Aug 16, 2008
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I bought my G2 over 15 years ago. I think the fact that I still have it and not a G3, G4 or G5 which I have more than enough $$$s to purchase with cash more than validates the validity and security in my purchase. I'm still just as happy getting in my G2 as I was the first day. Sorry, but the G2 was the pinnacle of the Viper. Always will be. Your first love is always your best. Tell me I'm wrong. Every time I take it out people flock to it. Little kids that weren't even alive when the G2 was in production and had never even seen one before are naturally drawn to it's animal magnetism. Is that true of the G5? You never should have sold your G2 if you had one and you know it. I'm certain the G5 is a fantastic Viper and I truly am glad you guys love them. I'm not trying to hate on it. I'm just expressing my passion for my first love G2 which I'm still excited and thrilled about. I guess still being married to my first wife for 33 years and keeping my first Viper for 15+ years makes me a lucky guy. Enjoy your G5s. I just don't agree that a G5 is the best Viper ever. I'm entitled to my opinion too. Isn't this board about people sharing their opinions even if they are different or all we all supposed to say the same thing on a topic? Maybe I just have old values since I'm 60. Maybe I'm easily satisfied. Maybe I just believe that sometimes in the course of history an original is tough to beat. Like a G2 Viper GTS, '63 split window Vette, Shelby Cobra, Ferrari F40, Lambo Countach, Colt .45 auto, Ann Margret, Natalie Wood, Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, P38 Lightning, P51 Mustang, Vought Corsair F4U, Phantom F4, SR-71 Blackbird, "Terminator", "Dirty Harry", "LE MANS", "Predator", "Aliens" & "Jaws". Know what I mean?
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Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
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Houston, TX
I like my 1969 Camaro SS more than the two late model 2010, 2012 Camaros I've owned. But, I'm not naive to think the 1969 was a "better" vehicle than the newest Camaros. Sure, the old car gets more attention, but that doesn't make it a "better" vehicle. Every single Viper gets attention, so you are assuming your Gen 2 somehow gets more attention than any other generation. Incorrect. Now, if you owned a Gen 4 ACR, I might have to agree with you on the attention scales. But, you do not. Looks being subjective, the Gen 5 is clearly the best Viper ever built. Maybe you should try one out, see for yourself.


Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
I like my 1969 Camaro SS more than the two late model 2010, 2012 Camaros I've owned. But, I'm not naive to think the 1969 was a "better" vehicle than the newest Camaros. Sure, the old car gets more attention, but that doesn't make it a "better" vehicle. Every single Viper gets attention, so you are assuming your Gen 2 somehow gets more attention than any other generation. Incorrect. Now, if you owned a Gen 4 ACR, I might have to agree with you on the attention scales. But, you do not. Looks being subjective, the Gen 5 is clearly the best Viper ever built. Maybe you should try one out, see for yourself.

How many G2s sold versus G3, G4 and G5s? How many major racing series wins versus their peers in G2 versus G3, G4, G5? Ask the average person to describe what a Viper looks like what do they say? Which Gen Forum on this board has more viewers every time you get on it? Better is subjective. However, performance and styling wise which Gen Viper was better and more ground breaking than it's competition during it's day? Get the point? I've seen 4 different G5s in the flesh. Since you can't drive one I can't try one even if I wanted to. I don't. Besides, my modded G2 is a better performer than a stock G5 and looks better too. No weak "euro trash" looking front end on my AMERICAN car. BTW, is the current Viper an American car with Italian leather or an Italian car named Viper?


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
How many G2s sold versus G3, G4 and G5s? How many major racing series wins versus their peers in G2 versus G3, G4, G5? Ask the average person to describe what a Viper looks like what do they say? Which Gen Forum on this board has more viewers every time you get on it? Better is subjective. However, performance and styling wise which Gen Viper was better and more ground breaking than it's competition during it's day? Get the point? I've seen 4 different G5s in the flesh. Since you can't drive one I can't try one even if I wanted to. I don't. Besides, my modded G2 is a better performer than a stock G5 and looks better too. No weak "euro trash" looking front end on my AMERICAN car. BTW, is the current Viper an American car with Italian leather or an Italian car named Viper?

So how do you know your Gen II Is superior to the V if you haven't driven one?

You say the II is better then the III and IV.

So basically, there is no other Viper that could be built than your car that is great.

Got it.

You aren't a prospective buyer to the V or future, so what exactly is there you are trying to add to the discussion here?


Viper Owner
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
The new Viper is ALL American-100%!! Having owned a late model Corvette-as well as a 67 427 and a 71 LT1- and a variety of Mercedes, BMW's, Camaro's, Aston, GT500 and KR- I can tell you they ALL had something special to offer at the time of purchase. Until I got my 2010 Toxic Orange Vert though, not one of my previous cars remained SPECIAL to me a year after the purchase(except the GT500 KR-loved it)! My 2010 got better TO ME every day-up until this past May when I purchased my GTS! My brother is a Porsche nut-to him nothing compares(except his 70 Hemi Cuda)!! Never having owned a G2- I can't comment-but it seems most every owner LOVED their car from what I've heard. I wish I had the money and garage space to keep my 2010-but seeing as how I can't seem to get my butt out of my 2013-I will be upgrading to a 2nd GTS!! The new Viper is INCREDIBLE-styling wise-fit and finish-quality in EVERY detail!! It's a shame it seems to get BASHED by so many(owners of previous gens and others)-it's mere existence is a blessing IMO!! It may not be as groundbreaking as the gen2 was when it came out-but those were VERY different automotive times in the 90's! Quantum leaps are much harder today in the automotive world-in many ways the Viper is a more refined DINOSAUR-who knows besides Chrysler how much $$ it would take to bring it to 750 plus hp-aluminum frame yadayadayada-even if they did people would still COMPLAIN about something-that seems to be the world we live in today! Obviously if it doesn't sell more it will become extinct like the dinosaur-but until than I will pray for more sunny days like today!! My "refined dinosaur" gets my blood flowing EVERY time I start her up-she gets BETTER with every mile-blows EVERY car away IMO at twice the price-and makes going to work, going to get bagels Sunday mornings, going ANYWHERE enjoyable!! The 2013 NAILED IT-IMO-but to many others it didn't. It could be MEANER like the Volado design, it could be faster, it could be lighter, it could be better in many ways-but what it is stirs my soul like no other car I've owned or see on the road today!! Hopefully it will be around for a gen 6-I'm sure if it is and it follows its"DNA"-it will than be the best Viper ever, but if until that day ever comes, I will be sure to drive my gen 5 as often as possible!! It doesn't get any better than being a Viper owner, no matter what the gen, as long as it stirs your soul and makes driving fun!!


Viper Owner
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
How many G2s sold versus G3, G4 and G5s? How many major racing series wins versus their peers in G2 versus G3, G4, G5? Ask the average person to describe what a Viper looks like what do they say? Which Gen Forum on this board has more viewers every time you get on it? Better is subjective. However, performance and styling wise which Gen Viper was better and more ground breaking than it's competition during it's day? Get the point? I've seen 4 different G5s in the flesh. Since you can't drive one I can't try one even if I wanted to. I don't. Besides, my modded G2 is a better performer than a stock G5 and looks better too. No weak "euro trash" looking front end on my AMERICAN car. BTW, is the current Viper an American car with Italian leather or an Italian car named Viper?

Devildog is that you?

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
How many G2s sold versus G3, G4 and G5s? How many major racing series wins versus their peers in G2 versus G3, G4, G5? Ask the average person to describe what a Viper looks like what do they say? Which Gen Forum on this board has more viewers every time you get on it? Better is subjective. However, performance and styling wise which Gen Viper was better and more ground breaking than it's competition during it's day? Get the point? I've seen 4 different G5s in the flesh. Since you can't drive one I can't try one even if I wanted to. I don't. Besides, my modded G2 is a better performer than a stock G5 and looks better too. No weak "euro trash" looking front end on my AMERICAN car. BTW, is the current Viper an American car with Italian leather or an Italian car named Viper?

That is cute, you have a modded Viper. I have one of those, too. Such G5 hatred, you'd think this guy drives a Corvette. LOLOLOL

Jack B

Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Poor REDBLACK has a ground hog day complex and cannot see beyond the Gen 2. I looked at some of his posting history, it seems he has hated the Gen 5 even before inception, here is a direct quote from REDBLACK in 2010:

"Chrysler is still bankrupt and will be out of business before the G5 is ever produced", he was right-on about that one too.

If I was him I wouldn't be bragging about a Hennessey 650 POS car, at most they put out 550 at the flywheel and handled like ****. Then again. who cares about handling?


May 9, 2008
Reaction score
Boucherville, Quebec, Canada
Just spent the afternoon burning the local roads in the GTS, windows down, listening to the music of the Corsa exhaust. Pure Magic !
Any negative comment posted about the Gen5 seemed so out of place.....I'm just excited about the next time I can go back and spend more time behind the wheel.


Viper Owner
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
No doubt best Viper ever built! Hope sales pick up so SRT can continue to produce these tremendous super cars. SRT if you are listening please produce a Gen V ACR!

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
How many G2s sold versus G3, G4 and G5s? How many major racing series wins versus their peers in G2 versus G3, G4, G5?

1969 Camaro production numbers. Many winning Trans-Am series races back then. Heard of Penske?
243,085 total

2012 Camaro production numbers.
84,391 total

The new Camaro is still a better car. Better, defined as out-performing it in every aspect, improved safety, comfort, fuel mileage, everything. Has nothing to do with production numbers. Now, if you want to argue "desirability" instead of "better or best", then that is subjective and you can pick whatever car you want.

So now we have the Gen 5 Viper. It has the same curb appeal that any Viper does, as all Vipers turn heads. But, this new generation out-performs all the previous generations, as expected. Better.


Viper Owner
Jan 12, 2011
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Jack B

Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
NE Ohio
It is not only the G5 owners. All vipers have people taking notice.Both my G1 & G2 had that appeal, however, the G5 raises the bar. The actions people take to get a look or a picture are crazy. I have had more pictures taken of the G5 in 3 months, than my other vipers in 13 years.

The point is the G5 has universal appeal.


Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Gentlemen, don't feed the trolls, especially bitter ones. DD here is just a dried up old curmudgeon.


Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
Duluth, Georgia
Took my gen IV to Ringgold for service and noticed a white SRT , with red sabelt seats, which listed for $110. Noticed the difference in features between that car and mine, and realized that the price difference was fair (wish I could afford it and that they made a vert). This thread was not intended to slam previous incarnations of the Viper. I’ve owned a G2,G3, and currently a G4, as well as several corvettes, and many other sports cars. Saying “the Gen V is the Best Viper ever built “ is merely a statement of fact.
When I mentioned the nanny computers being well advised, I meant this for the novice Viper driver, none of us here. We are all aware of the results of a driver unfamiliar with Vipers, hopping in the drivers seat and treating the accelerator like he’s in a Honda . Farris Beuler’s Valet would have never left the garage. Those are the times the nanny controls would have helped.
I cannot walk away from my convertible Gen IV, I’m in serious trouble when and if they build a vert. :drive:

Space Truckin

Viper Owner
Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
Upland, CA.
1. The Gen V Viper is the very best Viper ever built. Drives better, more HP, safer, and has more to offer than previous models. I’ve driven one and seen many.
2. When you consider the base model and what it offers over the previous (2010) Viper at a cost difference of $12,200 it’s a bargain. Note: the base price for the 2010 was $90,255 versus the 2014 at $102,485
3. Look what you get for $12,200. Additional 40 hp, Launch control, 3 stage stability and traction control, (few will say the Viper didn’t need this). More, Aluminum flywheel, modified intake manifold, modified intake cam, forged pistons,3:55 rear end, led lights, voice navigation system,with XM radio and internet . Not to mention a new body, and interior.
I’ve read these forums and many many of us have installed these abovementioned upgrades on our gen 1,2,3,and 4’s including me.[/QUOTE

Although I am the new guy here, I have been blessed/ fortunate to own all of the previous generation Vipers. The Gen V is absolutely the best so far. I do agree that the current generation has some QC issues that never reared their head in my previous Vipers, but with the TOTAL redesign of our beloved snake I guess it was to be expected (something to do with all the ELECTRONICS??) In my opinion it is absolutely the most BEAUTIFUL Viper so far. Time will only tell if SRT will be able to correct the oustanding issues. JM2C :D


Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
The OP gets my foodstamp of approval. Just got back from an evening cruise in my Gen 5 and managed to shake up what looked like a "vette club" driving by. At least 5 vettes back to back. It was nice of them to move out of my way.

Glad you all like the Gen V. However, with all I've read here I'll keep my very highly modded Gen II GTS. If I EVER take it out and someone DOESN'T take a pic of it I'll consider getting a Gen V or VI....not going to happen. Additionally, I prefer driving my car myself instead of letting a computer do it for me.:drive:

Keep your Gen 2 if you want, but the Gen 5's TCS is hardly a computer nanny like you get in the GT-R. You don't score points for being the ******* who spins your viper out and into a ditch, oncoming traffic, a road barrier or into a nearby body of'll be the guy on youtube that we're all laughing at and asking if you died.

I love the macho guys. ESC is a great addition so you don't kill 1) yourself 2) innocent bystander street driving.

It is great it can be disabled on the track - I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone thinks ESC is a negative for street driving.

I don't think it's even full-blown ESC; all it really does is mitigate wheel slip by reducing the throttle. I'd equate it to ABS for acceleration...and who is going to tell us that a car equipped with ABS is for people who don't know how to drive. :)


Viper Owner
Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
Houston, TX
1. The Gen V Viper is the very best Viper ever built. Drives better, more HP, safer, and has more to offer than previous models. I’ve driven one and seen many.
2. When you consider the base model and what it offers over the previous (2010) Viper at a cost difference of $12,200 it’s a bargain. Note: the base price for the 2010 was $90,255 versus the 2014 at $102,485
3. Look what you get for $12,200. Additional 40 hp, Launch control, 3 stage stability and traction control, (few will say the Viper didn’t need this). More, Aluminum flywheel, modified intake manifold, modified intake cam, forged pistons,3:55 rear end, led lights, voice navigation system,with XM radio and internet . Not to mention a new body, and interior.
I’ve read these forums and many many of us have installed these abovementioned upgrades on our gen 1,2,3,and 4’s including me.

When you consider inflation, that $90,255 sticker in 2010 can be directly correlated to $96,803 worth of buying power in 2013. So in reality, the price increase is only $5682. ;)


Viper Owner
May 1, 2005
Reaction score
Palm Beach
The OP gets my foodstamp of approval. Just got back from an evening cruise in my Gen 5 and managed to shake up what looked like a "vette club" driving by. At least 5 vettes back to back. It was nice of them to move out of my way.

Keep your Gen 2 if you want, but the Gen 5's TCS is hardly a computer nanny like you get in the GT-R. You don't score points for being the ******* who spins your viper out and into a ditch, oncoming traffic, a road barrier or into a nearby body of'll be the guy on youtube that we're all laughing at and asking if you died.

I don't think it's even full-blown ESC; all it really does is mitigate wheel slip by reducing the throttle. I'd equate it to ABS for acceleration...and who is going to tell us that a car equipped with ABS is for people who don't know how to drive. :) are spot on.....well said..


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
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Look at Car and Driver's recent "Best Drivers' Car" issue.

They scored the Viper low for some build quality issues on their particular car, and other perceived issues. (Like it irritates their puz zy or something, idk)

But at the end of the article they have a laptime records chart- Vipers hold like 5 (iirc) of the top ten laptimes in their Laguna Seca records! Quite a few Vettes in the top ten or 12, also.
Who else is in that rarified air, that stratosphere of automotive performance? Only the top players, worldwide. And Viper tops the list!

Interestingly, the GTR, 458 Italia, Mclaren MP4, do not beat the Viper on the road course. The GTR, despite having had so many fine-tunings, re-calibrations and re-itterations, supossedly vastly superior technology, and despite having paddle shifters, and despite having full-time all-wheel drive, torque biasing, ATESSA controlled this, electonic that, blah blah blah....still loses to the Viper.

Even with all that supossedly superior technology, their still sucking Viper ass on a road course, which is closer to "real life" than just the 0-60 time. After the intial acceleration, the Viper absolutely EATS the GTR.

If you want to win on a road course, buy a Viper.

"Far better is it to dare mightly things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...
Than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight
that knows not victory nor defeat"
Theodore Roosevelt

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