Frank Barefield
Viper Owner
The Viper Buyer\'s Guide made me do it
A couple of years ago I saw a yellow GTS in Tampa and the desire for the color (plus the additional power of the yellow cars) has been smoldering inside me ever since. I had a 97 red GTS before my current 01 RT, but I'd never seen a yellow GTS before.
When I got the Viper Buyer's Guide (VBG) a week or so ago I began reading it and everything was fine until I got to pages 104 and 105. There it was....THE CAR. A YELLOW 2001 GTS ACR BUMBLEBEE.
I decided that day that I would take my time and be on the lookout for that car. From the VBG I knew that there were only 89 yellow ACRs (who knows how many with black stripes) made in 2001, so I figured that over the next year I might find one. I'm going to be patient and wait for just the right car at the right price. This would be a fun project. I'm in no hurry. I won't be rushed......
The next day I got to work at 5:30 am, and being in no hurry, I immediately went to the VCA classifieds an looked under 2001 GTS'. I figured I'd check the listings periodically, you know, every couple of hours, to take my time looking for the car. To my amazement, the first car listed was THE CAR!! A YELLOW GTS ACR BUMBLEBEE!!
Well it was probably high miles---no, only 1,296 miles! Well it was probably in Japan or Kalifornia (Arnold pronunciation)--- no it was only 147 miles from my house!!
The listing was only 4 days old!!!!
Being in no hurry, I waited 5 hours to make the call to the owner(well, I had to wait until he got there), a Dodge dealer from whom I had purchased the exended warranty on my 2001 RT.
I pretended not to be tooooo interested, and he informed me that the car was purrrfect, originally stickered for $90,190, was just like new in every respect, not a scratch anywhere, even on the front facia, and was completely stock except for a new battery. He knew the car very well as he had sold it to the original owner.
I asked about his best price and he said he was firm on his price and that there were 4 other people fighting over the car and he was expecting a call any minute from one of them saying the deal was done. I asked him if the 4 were physcially engaged in combat to determine the winner, which did not seem to amuse him.
After the call was concluded I decided I would not be bullied or pressured into buying any car and that I would call him back in a week or so to find out how the fight turned out.
After all, I am in no hurry, I'm going to take my time and ponder this purchase. I won't be rushed.
After lunch and an additional reading of the VBG, I decided I had pondered quite enough. After all, I had become a Viper buying genius from my studying of THE BOOK. After a 10 minute consult with Adam (ab), I made the call, made an offer, negotiated, and made the deal. Boy, I bet those 4 guys are sick..... and probably beat up too.
THE CAR was delivered the next day in an enclosed trailer and I took pics of the delivery which Adam will post (hopefully before his supercharger is complete).
THE CAR was just as described.......purrrrfect, right down to the new car smell (well, I try to notice everything). After driving her I noticed the suspension is much stiffer than my RT (that wasn't the only thing that was stiff during that ride
) and seems to corner much better. Of course the extra 10 or so horsepower is overpowering and I could tell immediately that she has a lot more power than my RT. Come to think about it, I don't know if it's the extra HP of the ACR or the fact that it is YELLERRRRRR!!!!!!that makes the difference (HELLO MY YELLOW BROTHERS!!!!!).
THE CAR comes with 5 point belts that are big, thick, tight and heavy that are a dry cleaners dream. I have never seen anything that can make so many wrinkles so quickly.
I have pretty much decided to use the standard pull across belt for daily driving because the 5 point belts hold me very tight to the seat and it is pretty embarrasing when a good looking girl is watching me strain trying to reach the radio at a traffic light.
I really like the look of the 5 point belts in the seat but it's not very comfortable leaving them in the seat while you are driving. Although some people may especially like sitting on the round center buckle placed in the middle of the seat
(not that there's anything wrong with that), it just doesn't do anything for me. In fact, after a few minutes of riding over bumpy roads while sitting on the buckle, it doesn't even make you any taller in the seat.
As a compromise, I have left the 5 point belts in the car, behind the seat back so I can pull them out and place them in the seat whenever I am parked at a cruise in or show (Poser, Poser).
For now my NEW BABY is in the garage next to my red RT, but I must admit the RT seems depressed. I have left them alone for several days now, in the dark, and each evening I go into the garage several times to check on them and make sure they are OK. There does seem to be a little yellow paint on the rear trunk lid of my RT, no, that would be impossible.......
Unfortunately, I'm not sure if they will be able to peacefully co-exist. Only time will tell.
Reflecting back on my purchase last week, I feel proud and satisfied that I developed my plan and followed it to the letter. It's nice not to get rushed into a purchase and to methodically carry out a well conceived plan. Now that I am comfortable having control over my emotions I feel I can conquer anything!
Now where were those photos of the Enzo......I'm in no hurry..........I'm going to take my time.........I won't be rushed........ 
A couple of years ago I saw a yellow GTS in Tampa and the desire for the color (plus the additional power of the yellow cars) has been smoldering inside me ever since. I had a 97 red GTS before my current 01 RT, but I'd never seen a yellow GTS before.
When I got the Viper Buyer's Guide (VBG) a week or so ago I began reading it and everything was fine until I got to pages 104 and 105. There it was....THE CAR. A YELLOW 2001 GTS ACR BUMBLEBEE.

The next day I got to work at 5:30 am, and being in no hurry, I immediately went to the VCA classifieds an looked under 2001 GTS'. I figured I'd check the listings periodically, you know, every couple of hours, to take my time looking for the car. To my amazement, the first car listed was THE CAR!! A YELLOW GTS ACR BUMBLEBEE!!
Being in no hurry, I waited 5 hours to make the call to the owner(well, I had to wait until he got there), a Dodge dealer from whom I had purchased the exended warranty on my 2001 RT.

After lunch and an additional reading of the VBG, I decided I had pondered quite enough. After all, I had become a Viper buying genius from my studying of THE BOOK. After a 10 minute consult with Adam (ab), I made the call, made an offer, negotiated, and made the deal. Boy, I bet those 4 guys are sick..... and probably beat up too.
THE CAR was delivered the next day in an enclosed trailer and I took pics of the delivery which Adam will post (hopefully before his supercharger is complete).

THE CAR comes with 5 point belts that are big, thick, tight and heavy that are a dry cleaners dream. I have never seen anything that can make so many wrinkles so quickly.

For now my NEW BABY is in the garage next to my red RT, but I must admit the RT seems depressed. I have left them alone for several days now, in the dark, and each evening I go into the garage several times to check on them and make sure they are OK. There does seem to be a little yellow paint on the rear trunk lid of my RT, no, that would be impossible.......
Reflecting back on my purchase last week, I feel proud and satisfied that I developed my plan and followed it to the letter. It's nice not to get rushed into a purchase and to methodically carry out a well conceived plan. Now that I am comfortable having control over my emotions I feel I can conquer anything!