I thought the only people who still wrote checks were the 80 year old women I get stuck in line behind at the grocery store.
Yea you are right about that. I pay all of my bills with checks. I still do not feel good about paying my bills online with all of these sophisticated hackers using cleaver ways of hacking your account. My friend recently paid a bill online and found out a month later that someone in Spain was using his credit card
There's several things you can do and some that it's already too late. The Spain usage sounds more like his card info was sold from someone who actually had access to his physical card... (see below)
Always look in the web address field. It should have the exact website you are shopping or paying at. The beginning should always be HTTPS
2. Don't use anything cards that are wirelessly read like "paypass" those can be read while in your pocket or wallet with easy to get scanners on ebay.
3. If you ever had a payment processed thru "Global Payments" a major payment processor that was hacked earlier this year.. they already have your information. Change your card number if you are really worried.
3a. Hackers don't usually hijack a small payments website. They will generally go directly for the server that has all that info. Which could be info from payments that occurred in a card present situation not an online gateway. Stealing your card number is easiest in a card present situation... (restaurant... hotel...) with equipment available on the web
4. Most CC companies only require you to pay the first $25.00 to $50.00 to have any charges purged that were not yours to begin with...
I'm sure you spend more than that in time and trouble writing out all those checks and putting on postage...