Thinking about selling my GTS FE....


Sep 30, 2002
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Richardson, TX
Hey fellas, been a long time since I've been around these parts.

The last few years have been CRAZY busy - so busy in fact that I retired late last year from the game biz! I became a proud daddy in August of 2005 and I honestly got tired of not seeing my little girl, so I rearranged a few things in my life and left the business to my 3 other partners to take a few years off to be with my little girl and wife.

It's funny - with all I had going on running that company, I seemed to have more time for all the cars I own and have owned in the past few years when I was working crazy hours. Now I just don't have the energy or desire to maintain a stable of several cars I guess. I'm embarrassed to admit that the stable got up to 11 cars at one point last year (yikes!)

Well, I'm wanting to pare down to just 3 cars...a daily driver for me (already taken care of), my wifes car and one hot-rod. As some of you might remember my dad and I were building a crazy '69 Camaro that we just finished's pretty nutso for the street but great fun, and more importantly it's a "living" breathing piece of my dad and I now...we have 8 years and tons of blood and sweat in the thing. In other words, the one hot-rod to remain should be this should stay in the family. It's hard to think about only keeping one, but I think it's probably best for me in the coming years...I hate letting cars sit and that's been happening a lot in the past 6 months.

So, all that said, I'm thinking about putting my '02 GTS Final Edition up for sale but I have no idea where the market is now. I've even thought about maybe selling it and the '69 and getting an '08 Viper but I think I just want to get things sold first and see how I feel when it comes out.

My FE has 4,010 miles on it is all - babied, but rode hard once warmed up. She gets her regular exercise each week and spends the rest of the time toasty in the garage. Never tracked but she's seen some street racing. ;)

Mods = Belenger headers, Random hi-flow cats, Corsa catback, VEC1, 3.45 Unitrax rear end, West Coast Viper PCM tuning, AB's plug wires and that's it. All the original stuff was boxed up and of course comes with the car. I do all fluids once a year just for the piece of mind, regardless of mileage.

Thing is, I don't want to put the car up for sale if the market is in the she worth $55K? $45K? What's fair for her these days?

The car is perfect - flawless paint, not a scratch or nick on her anywhere in or out. That's the hardest part about thinking of selling her is just how NICE she has stayed over the years. Some of my other cars have come from the factory with poor paint or have had bad luck with a rock chip here or there but somehow the Viper has some sort of protective bubble over her.

If the market IS in the toilet for her right now I'll probably just hang on to her for a few more years, but she's a special car even in the Viper world so I thought I'd ping here and see what other folks are getting now or what you guys feel is fair if you have any opinions on the matter.

For what it's worth, last year I had a pretty broad choice of cars in the garage including an '04 Ferrari 360 Spider that I sold because I loved the Viper much more. Kinda crazy when you break it all out on paper - the 360 was a fine machine and better than the Viper in so many ways, but not in the one way that matters most. :)


Dec 10, 2005
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Berkeley Heights, NJ
I wish i could give you some help, but good luck, and its all about finding the right buyer. if you find the right buyer, you will get top dollar. a car is worth what ever someone is willing to pay for it. you just have to hope there is someone looking to spend top dollar on what seems to be a flawless GTS FE. I'm sure youll have no problem getting rid of it, but GOOD LUCK!!! Who ever the buyer is will be extremely lucky!


Jan 22, 2007
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Mt. Airy, MD
If the money is not a problem, I would keep the viper and watch its value go up. That car you have is one of the most collectible vipers ever made and it has low miles on it. Those Gen II GTSs are really holding their value right now. It seems that the older these mint vipers get, the more desireable they become. Hold onto it and watch what happens after the '09 comes out.


May 14, 2002
Reaction score
That car should bring low to mid 50's. You shouldn't take any less than that.


Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
That car should bring low to mid 50's. You shouldn't take any less than that.

I agree. I think mid of high $40's is too low as mentioned previously.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
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Columbia River Gorge
That car should bring low to mid 50's. You shouldn't take any less than that.

Agreed.... you could even consider CONSIGNING it with Bernie at BJ....and probably get to keep low 50s. I disagree with e-bay as a definitive pricing guide.


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Richardson, TX
Guys, the responses have been overwhelming...on the one hand it makes me relieved to see that there is great interest in the car and that she will fetch a fair price, on the other's making me sad that the replies have been so many and with so many interested. A very special car indeed.

It feels like having to choose between family members almost...the Viper is a real show stopper and people just LOVE it. I love the way it makes kids smile and seems to get a "pass" from everyone in the hooligan sense. Everyone wants to see her go and hear her scream!

But the '69 is kind of the same's not as comfy as the Viper on the street, that's for certain. But it has a particular sense about it...hard to explain.

And of course the time and effort my dad has in the car is huge. He's getting on in years - this was a very special project and he has said time and time again that he is in every inch of the car, which is so true - it would break both our hearts to sell that car right now I think, or in years to come probably. That alone in this car trumps everything else. I've thought long and hard about keeping them both, but I've experienced the "gluttonous" side of owning and playing with cars for a few years and I'm okay with just getting down to 2. I've gotten into motorcycles in the past year as well so I get a lot of my speed fix from my Ducati, and the touring bug on a BMW K1200GT. So, keeping the Viper and the '69 would be nice but I know that one of them would get neglected more than she should.

I've had a lot of people say "keep it for 30 years and see what she's worth then!" but to me that's the wrong way to enjoy a car....her value is in the smile she puts on your face every day you take her out and have FUN. Not what money she might bring at Barrets in 20 or 30 years. I'd rather someone else enjoy her in the years to come then keep her sequestered away in some corner of the garage hoping for some big payoff later me, each day is a rainy day to be enjoyed to the fullest and I'm not really interested in what she might be worth in a few decades. Who even knows if I'll be here then?

I forgot about a few things in the GTS when I wrote my post last night. Small things but stuff with the car nevertheless to anyone interested.

Heffner airbox + K&Ns + Smooth tubes, Lloyds custom mats (the really nice thick ones with the Sneaky Pete logo in red and white) plus the rear cargo mat, stock speakers were replaced with Boston Accoustic (mucho better), hardwired Valentine 1 detector (I would just assume leave that in the car) and some other little MGW knick knacks.

Shelby, I think you are right...I've been amazed at the responses already this morning in email that I've received and it looks like she will probably sell for mid $50Ks if I do sell her. There's a part of you in that car, in a sense, as she's running the new VEC1 that I bought from you that you never installed in your car years and years ago. :)


Viper Owner
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale, FL
With 4000 miles, if you put it back to stock, You'll get between $55k and $53k, and you make another $3500 with the parts. Just my 0.02.
Good luck


Viper Owner
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Great car, interesting to hear all of this feedback. Next time I'm tempted to sell my 5,000 mile FE, I may look for this post.. :)


Viper Owner
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Definitely sell the snake. You can replace it later, but not the time & memories of the Chevy with your father. good luck.


Apr 7, 2006
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Chicago, IL
I would think the FE should be worth at least 55K if you wait for the right buyer. LOw 50's for a quick sale.

Good Luck.


Jan 29, 2007
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Montreal, Canada
Rats.... as a serious buyer in the market I was hoping you'd steer him closer to the 40's for obvious selfish reasons. :)

I worked out a deal 7 weeks ago for a low mile blue and white 1997 GTS. Was going to take ownership over the next few weeks. Seller just called me last night and back out. It was horrible news to take.

Once your price is set and pictures available, please let me know.

J Carter

Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
I have a 02 fe with 800 miles I think there going up every year hang on to it as long as you can 5 years from now I bet the low miles cars will be $5-$10000 more.


Sep 30, 2002
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Richardson, TX
Yeah, I do believe she is up for sale. I'm looking for $55K and think that's fair given how clean she is and low the miles are.

It looks like I have 3 interested parties so we'll see how things shake down next week.

Trying not to make eye contact with her anytime I walk out into the garage. :(


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Richardson, TX
Alright, I put the official ad up for her on the VCA classifieds here. We'll see how it goes here for a month or so before thinking about other places to place an ad.

Thanks for all the kind words and *** guys - you've made this much easier for me and I hope that I can find the right loving owner to adopt her.

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Viper Owner
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Gosh - I really think your car could pull more than $55k with those low miles and how clean she is. I hope you sell very quickly. I would have started @ $59k if not in a hurry.. Good luck - best wishes.


Sep 30, 2002
Reaction score
Richardson, TX
Well, I must be losing my mind....

Today, I spent a bit more than an hour with a fantastic gent who is very interested in the car. He's an ex-Viper pilot as well and we clicked right away, talking shop and recounting stories.

It got me feeling pretty bad about the sale of the car. Not just because I love my GTS so much, but I was reminded again just how great Viper folks are.

I've been in a rare position these past few years to be a Viper guy, a Vette guy, a BMW guy, and last year, a Ferrari guy.

And you know, I've only really felt comfy being a Viper guy. All of the other groups are comprised of great folks, but the Viper family is really special and one I've always felt proud and comfy to be a part of. In fact, I felt so out of place in the Ferrari that I sold it after just 6 or 7 months. I could never get the hang of how you were supposed to act or look behind the wheel of that thing...fantastic machine, but the baggage it brought along with it was something I could just never adapt to really.

Speaking with this new friend today, I was reminded of just how great and down to earth Viper folks are.

So this afternoon, I took a bunch of pics of the GTS and some video for him as well - the sun was setting so I decided to get in a quick 20 minute drive to keep her lubed and happy (haha).

A few minutes into the drive, I started to feel it. That...that PAIN in my chest that this could be one of the last times I was able to enjoy her.

I tried not to think about it.

I came across a 4 way stop out in the country here close to the house and I was on my way I approached this 4 way stop, I noticed that the oncoming traffic was stacked about 20 to 30 cars deep. I was the only car headed the other way. Folks most likely coming home from work, grumpy and tired - just eager to get home. A nice little 2 lane road out there, 1 lane going in each direction.

As I took off from the stop and passed all the oncoming cars (single lanes, so super close to all of them) I noticed the windows on the 5th car in line start to roll down. Then the next car, then 3 more cars...all I wager to take a quick listen to the Snake growl by as I took her up through the revs in 1st and 2nd. Arms shot out with atta-boy thumbs straight up from 2 or 3 of the cars as I passed.

The sun was shining right down on the Viper at this particular time of day and angle, and I could only imagine how pretty a sight it was.

Seeing the thumbs up and smiling faces gave me tingles. My other loud cars piss people off. This car is different.

Don't think about it....

I pull in the subdivision where I live and several hundred yards ahead of me I see 3 kids, all about 8 years in age, playing in their front yard. They are playing hide and seek as cars go by...they run and hide behind a shrub and peek around at the cars as they pass...running back out into the yard only after they've passed.

As I get close, their ears perk up and they begin to head for the shrubs...all except this one little girl. She waves to her pals and they all stop and look back as I rumble down the road...they all stand there slack jawed as I pass. I wave at them with a big smile, trying not to tear up because I absolutely love the effect this car has on kids - it just makes their day and I remember how I felt when I saw something cool as a child...I feel proud to be able to return the favor all these years later.

I glance back in my mirrors with a smile and see all 3 of them running after the Viper on the sidewalk, screaming and waving at me.

I've owned some hotted up Camaros, 'vettes, some pretty crazy BMWs (Z3 M Coupe and Z4 M Coupe), a Lotus Elise, a Ferrari 360 Spider and some other assorted odds and ends and not one other car comes close to giving folks the thrill this car does. It single handedly spreads good will and hope as you pass, I swear. It's a really good feeling - not because people are staring at the car and admiring it - but because it has made their day just to see it often times.

You're never a stuck up snobby owner in a Viper either to most people - everyone seems to love them, and everyone respects the car. It gives them something to look forward to maybe, or shocks see it and want to know what it is to begin with and perhaps get bitten by the car bug by just seeing one up close, or hearing and smelling it as it passes by.

By the time I got home, I was close to tears. I came in the house, sat down on the floor in the living room and put my head in my hands. My 18 month old daughter came over and crawled in my lap, looking up at Daddy and saying in a whisper "...Hi....Hi....."

I looked down at her and realized that I wanted her to experience the Viper someday as well - not just in pictures...not just through tall tales from her old man.

I've decided to keep my Viper.

I will figure out a way to maintain "joint custody" of the '69 Camaro with my pops so we won't let that go either.

But after tonight, it was clear to me that I was about to make the biggest car related mistake of my life by letting the one car I've absolutely LOVED from day one slip from my hands.


Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Saskatchewan, Canada
Dude. You almost had me in tears. I was going to say that the biggest mistake you could ever have made would be to sell the Camaro. At some point unfortuantely your father will no longer be here to share the memories and the 69 will always bring back smiles and GREAT memories. I am so glad you decided to keep the Viper, especially after that last story. Good job !!!!!!!


Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
4am,, Plum you are crazy :cool: !!!!!!

Good call on keeping the Fe you no you would of regretted it :2tu: :2tu: ..

Great story...Thats what i like about the Viper and Viper nation :2tu: :headbang:

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