Here are some quick tips on how to use the Viper Club of America Image
Gallery. It is important to remember that you MUST be logged in to
the Gallery in order to upload images. Currently the username
database for the Gallery is not shared with that of the Discussion
Forums, so it might be necessary to register separately for the
Gallery. If this is the case, simply register for the Gallery with
the same info you use on the Forums (at some point we will be merging
the two databases and this will make it easier for all of us). Go
And either LOGIN, or REGISTER. Once you have done this you will see
up near the top right the option to UPLOAD PHOTOS. Click on that link
and follow the steps to upload your images into your personal folder,
or pick another area you want them displayed by choosing a CATEGORY.
Please note that the limit for each image is currently 200K.
Once the image is uploaded, view the image to make sure it was
uploaded OK. If it was relatively large you MIGHT see different
variations on the "Filesize" line, just above "Keywords" and
"Descriptions", listed UNDER the image. Ideally, you want to select
an image around 60K in size and 640x480 in dimension (for display on
the Forums).
For me, the easiest way to ensure I have the right image, I RIGHT
CLICK on the image and select "Properties". A box appears and it
tells you the file size as well as the dimensions. In that same box
it shows the "Address" (or URL). Highlight and copy that URL
by RIGHT clicking on the highlighted URL and selecting "Copy".
Now, all you have to do to post that image on the Forums is, while
composing your message, include the URL between the image tags, like
[image ][/image]
take the space out after the first "image"
Now, preview your post to make sure the image appears. If you run
into ANY problems please let me know. I put this little "How To" note
together based on my experiences. If you have a problem, or find
there are steps missing or poorly explained, please let me know so I
can "fine tune" this message.....Thank you very much!