If you remove the stock heat shields and leave the stock maifold it will not hurt the car. However it will raise the underhood temperature, higher temperature = loss of power. Most header manufactures will void your warranty if you use any kind of heat shield, primarily the header wrap type. The stock heat shield is made of metal (tin??) and will not hurt aftermarket headers. It might rub against them and remove a bit of the jet-hot but that's about it. I used one of the stock heat shields and put it under the air box. Then I used two new heat shields for the headers from Jegs.com #893-14003 $76 it seems to work good. I just lightly tucked them over the headers, the decrease in radiated heat was very noticeable. It seems to have no bad effects on my headers, and I had a bit left over which I used to wrap the smooth tubes. Did any of this help I don't know, but it don't hurt.