So its a thousand degrees out and my 65,000 mile rt/10 has ac that isn't working.
its leaking from one of the hoses where the metal and rubber meet.
yes I already checked the o-rings hoping for the $3.00 fix.
tried charging it with a sealer, no luck.
early morning and evenings are fine with no top but by 11am it is brutally hot.
I can either:
a) charge it everyday that I want to drive it, which only last about 4 hours and even then is not really cold.
b) bring it to the dealer
c) bring it to an ac shop
d) trade it in and buy a smart car
since I bought the car with 7,000 miles on it no one has worked on it or driven it but me, but this is one of those situations that it has to go somewhere to be worked on.
The dodge dealer in town only has 1 viper tech and I am not sure how many he sees.
I am scared to death of someone else touching my car.
which one would you choose?
and to those of you who say "its only a car" screw you.
it may only be a car to you, but to me it is an obsession.
it almost feels like handing my gf off to another man.
in fact that might even be easier.
its leaking from one of the hoses where the metal and rubber meet.
yes I already checked the o-rings hoping for the $3.00 fix.
tried charging it with a sealer, no luck.
early morning and evenings are fine with no top but by 11am it is brutally hot.
I can either:
a) charge it everyday that I want to drive it, which only last about 4 hours and even then is not really cold.
b) bring it to the dealer
c) bring it to an ac shop
d) trade it in and buy a smart car
since I bought the car with 7,000 miles on it no one has worked on it or driven it but me, but this is one of those situations that it has to go somewhere to be worked on.
The dodge dealer in town only has 1 viper tech and I am not sure how many he sees.
I am scared to death of someone else touching my car.
which one would you choose?
and to those of you who say "its only a car" screw you.
it may only be a car to you, but to me it is an obsession.
it almost feels like handing my gf off to another man.
in fact that might even be easier.
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