Thanks for your comment Jimandela. But here is an e-mail I received from Razehome who did install the "A" Pillar cups..
"I've got a 2001 that I recently put the tonneau on.....and I love it. I had one with my '98 but was always hesitant to mount the cups on the pillars. I was wrong.....I should have put it on. What I like about the tonneau is that it gives me the ability to drive the car somewhere, park it, and keep the interior from baking and the dust out. I have a hardtop, like it, but you
know how you can't go somewhere and take it off and stow it. I don't particularly like the soft top,cause I have always thought they were ugly. But the tonneau looks good and gives you a lot of flexibility as far as open car or covered interior. I was pleasantly surprised as to how easy the cups mounted. I generally run around in the car with the passenger side of the tonneau on, then when I need to it only takes about 10 seconds to zip in the
drivers side. So good luck in your venture."
Thanks for your comments, but please post more since I'm still undecided.