too fat to fit


Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
La Junta Colorado 81050
I notice a difference in the car on the road course with a passenger, I really feel it if the person is on the heavy side.
-more concerning handling than acceleration though.


May 19, 2011
Reaction score
honestly you have to ask yourself, " how long do you want to live?..." I dont care about wanting cars, or food, or anything or any excuses. This is the most absolute basic question.

next question is "how hard are you willing to work to live that long?" ...this measures how serious because we maintain our cars...but NOT our body...

I see this all the time in my clinic. You can PM me if you want, but you have taken one good step, and that is recognizing the issue. The next and most crucial step is what are you gonna do about it.


Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
Duck Dynasty Back Yard
every day.
Start by going around your own block once. Do that every day for a month( rain or shine, night or day, hot or cold).
Then add another lap and do it every day for a month etc.
It will work.
I promise.
THIS! If You Can't or Not in the Right Neighborhood, Get You A Treadmill! Also, Drink PLENTY of Water & I Mean PLENTY (NO Sodas) & Stay AWAY from the Carbs, the Less the Better! Have You Ever Checked Into the Gastric By Pass Surgery, just A Thought! Even Afterwards You'll Need to Get You A Game Plan to Keep it Off! Take it Serious, Before its Too Late My Friend! jmo! GL & I'll Keep You in My Prayers!


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
every day.
Start by going around your own block once. Do that every day for a month( rain or shine, night or day, hot or cold).
Then add another lap and do it every day for a month etc.
It will work.
I promise.

Make sure you get an old fashioned calendar. Put a big X through each day that you go for a walk. Try that for 3 weeks straight and you will not want to break your streak of X's on that calendar...
Last edited:

Johnny GTS

Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Seriously, from my heart , thanks so much, this response is truly overwhelming for me. I've gotten some great suggestions and with so many options available, I'm scheduled to see a nutritionist, as well as hypnotist which hopefully will be a good start. It's unbelievable that so many seem to care. Told my 25 year old son about my plan, he's happy and offered to take the Viper for an occasional spin (I told him to fugettabouttit) and we can go for an occasional walk together! Keep it Cool & Stay Hydrated!


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
That's gastric bypass territory. If you let yourself go from an already overweight 268 to a whopping 348... it's difficult to believe you could muster up the will power to drop back down. Get control of your mind first and it can happen. I wish you the best of decisions and health.

gastric bypass is possibly the worst thing to ever do. It doesn't fix the problem, only the issue. Which is why so many people gain it all back.

My business partner is a gastro surgeon, he fixes the messes created by gastric bypass. There are plenty of them to go around.

To the OP, best of luck


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Bentonville, Arkansas
gastric bypass is possibly the worst thing to ever do. It doesn't fix the problem, only the issue. Which is why so many people gain it all back.

My business partner is a gastro surgeon, he fixes the messes created by gastric bypass. There are plenty of them to go around.

To the OP, best of luck

I know what you are saying and my wife's sister-in-law has looked sickly ever since she did that a few years ago. On the other hand a woman who has worked for me for 15 years had the surgery a few months ago. She has now lost 100 pounds and her goal is to lose another 50 pounds which I don't doubt she will do.


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
gastric bypass is possibly the worst thing to ever do. It doesn't fix the problem, only the issue. Which is why so many people gain it all back.

My business partner is a gastro surgeon, he fixes the messes created by gastric bypass. There are plenty of them to go around.

To the OP, best of luck

I would have to disagree, for those people with comorbidities it can be a life changing process. I personally had the surgery 4+ years ago and went from 324 to my current weight ~173 lbs, and have kept it off without any issue. The patient has to use his/her early months / first year as a way to setup the good habits you are going to require for healthy living for the rest of your life. Failure to do this *WILL* result in gaining the weight back.

The issue with being overweight is both mental and physical. The surgery will "fix" the physical by causing a dietary restriction that will only last a short time. After my first 18 months I KNEW that I could eat my way back to 300+ lbs if I wasnt careful, but being cognicent of the mental forces at work I was able to set myself on a path that has me healthier than I ever have been. Although I am still struggling to put on muscle (simply because I HATE seeing the scale move upward).

to the OP, feel free to PM me if you need any information on the procedure. I'm not a doctor, but with my various health issues I am very well informed in this regard.


Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
Walk every day.
Start by going around your own block once. Do that every day for a month( rain or shine, night or day, hot or cold).
Then add another lap and do it every day for a month etc.
It will work.
I promise.

+1. This works. Start small, be consistent, reap the rewards. May God bless you.


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
I would have to disagree, for those people with comorbidities it can be a life changing process. I personally had the surgery 4+ years ago and went from 324 to my current weight ~173 lbs, and have kept it off without any issue. The patient has to use his/her early months / first year as a way to setup the good habits you are going to require for healthy living for the rest of your life. Failure to do this *WILL* result in gaining the weight back.

The issue with being overweight is both mental and physical. The surgery will "fix" the physical by causing a dietary restriction that will only last a short time. After my first 18 months I KNEW that I could eat my way back to 300+ lbs if I wasnt careful, but being cognicent of the mental forces at work I was able to set myself on a path that has me healthier than I ever have been. Although I am still struggling to put on muscle (simply because I HATE seeing the scale move upward).

to the OP, feel free to PM me if you need any information on the procedure. I'm not a doctor, but with my various health issues I am very well informed in this regard.

I don't disagree that it can help some - yourself as an example. I think a lot view it as a magic bullet and lets be fair, it isn't.

Congrats to you for making the commitment! I know it isn't easy.

Johnny GTS

Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hello to all of you who have so generously responded to my post, a most sincere thank you for your advise, recommendations, and well wishes, it all means so much to me!!! I'm happy to tell you (for anyone interested) that it has been a week since my original reach out and I'm doing better than I could have ever imagined. I've been walking daily (almost) eating so much healthier (dietician) Hypnosis is somewhat working. I generally avoid the scale but yesterday I weighed in minus 11 pounds... I know most of it is water weight but i'm really psyched to continue. I don't really know if I can honestly keep this up, I'm dying for some fried, fatty, gooey, you know what I mean! My inspiration is my wife and kids, family, friends I'd really love to be around to enjoy life. I'm actually beginning to enjoy the different healthy food choices I never knew existed! Yesterday I waxed the GTS and I'm tellin you I can't wait to enjoy that as well!! God bless all of you and remember to enjoy life, it truly is too short.


Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
Duck Dynasty Back Yard
Hello to all of you who have so generously responded to my post, a most sincere thank you for your advise, recommendations, and well wishes, it all means so much to me!!! I'm happy to tell you (for anyone interested) that it has been a week since my original reach out and I'm doing better than I could have ever imagined. I've been walking daily (almost) eating so much healthier (dietician) Hypnosis is somewhat working. I generally avoid the scale but yesterday I weighed in minus 11 pounds... I know most of it is water weight but i'm really psyched to continue. I don't really know if I can honestly keep this up, I'm dying for some fried, fatty, gooey, you know what I mean! My inspiration is my wife and kids, family, friends I'd really love to be around to enjoy life. I'm actually beginning to enjoy the different healthy food choices I never knew existed! Yesterday I waxed the GTS and I'm tellin you I can't wait to enjoy that as well!! God bless all of you and remember to enjoy life, it truly is too short.
Johnny, My Friend STAY STRONG! Like You Said, its ALL About A Life You Never Knew You Could Have, But that's the Whole Key Bro. You've GOT to Stay Strong & DON'T Look Back My Friend cause the End Reward Will Be Soooooooo Much Greater! GL Bud!


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona
The longer you keep on the path, the easier it'll be, but it'll never be EASY. Don't try to be perfect. Don't beat yourself up too much for falling off the wagon a little...just get back on and stay on for days/weeks/months. Good luck!

Tom and Vipers

Nov 22, 2000
Reaction score
Jeannette, PA 15644
Oh Brother,

I, myself , am on the edge of too much girth!

I've plotted my weight since I was a teenager using all available data and at 60, the plot is a straight line from 145 to 305.

Anyhow, for comparison purposes, waist size really determines if you fit or not. I maxed out at 50" but have reeled it back a few inches when I've made it into the 270's. Anything beyond 50" would be a problem since at size, while an interference fit, its still not unpleasant.

A couple of things about what has helped me in the past actually lose weight:

  • Only eat meat, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Avoid anything made in a bowl (!) This especially means anything having dough. No more sandwiches or pasta except on designated no-diet feast days.
  • If you have any kind of cramps or charley horses, you are low in Magnesium which means you will not be absorbing Calcium. If you are low in Calcium, losing weight will almost be impossible because your body is in constant starvation mode. A osteooperosis study of women revealed the group that got proper calcium uptake lost 10% of their collective weight without any attention to diet. Myself, I lost 5% when I took a Mg/Ca supplement, however, I quit when I found that you have to get special slow release Ca otherwise it deposits in places you don't want it.
  • There are other nutrients that if deficient, you will not lose weight. I know of another, but have forgotten. Could be Vitamin D or perhaps A. I don't think it was E. But we all need to know this.
  • Hey a bloody Delmonico steak and a tossed salad with at least a whole tomato in it and just some olive oil and a touch of vinegar is pure gold!
  • Don't avoid fruits because they have sugar. Find ones you like that will satisfy the need for deserts.
  • Drive you car more, do things, avoid locations/activities where you tend to eat poorly.
  • Have as much sex as possible - this really squashes food lust! (of course, driving a Viper is like having sex in a way, but there is no substitude for the real stuff.)
I maxed out at 305 and am plateaued at 287-288 for the last week with a one day low of 286. It is depressing that if I lose 100 lbs, I'll still be overweight! (I'm only just over 5' 9" at used to be almost 5' 11" when I was 20.) I do have a belt that was on the last notch and on a previous attempt got down to the smallest notch - I'm about in the middle right now. I am a spitting image of my dad, pound for pound, inch for inch. He died from cancer and was still 205 when he passed. So I definitely have the genetic disposition for fatness.

That's all the advice I have.

I feel for you Brother,


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
Hello to all of you who have so generously responded to my post, a most sincere thank you for your advise, recommendations, and well wishes, it all means so much to me!!! I'm happy to tell you (for anyone interested) that it has been a week since my original reach out and I'm doing better than I could have ever imagined. I've been walking daily (almost) eating so much healthier (dietician) Hypnosis is somewhat working. I generally avoid the scale but yesterday I weighed in minus 11 pounds... I know most of it is water weight but i'm really psyched to continue. I don't really know if I can honestly keep this up, I'm dying for some fried, fatty, gooey, you know what I mean! My inspiration is my wife and kids, family, friends I'd really love to be around to enjoy life. I'm actually beginning to enjoy the different healthy food choices I never knew existed! Yesterday I waxed the GTS and I'm tellin you I can't wait to enjoy that as well!! God bless all of you and remember to enjoy life, it truly is too short.

my advice: Have a stringent weekly diet and allow yourself a single "cheat day" to eat what you want. You can't just go cold turkey, you do need to treat yourself.

Policy Limits

Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
treadclimber by bowflex is a good product...might be a 300lb restriction to step on it though. need cardio asap; if u speed up yout metabolism even without a diet you should lose, with diet is obviously better. good luck


Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego
Google "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and watch the documentary. Helped the author lose 100 lbs and a truck driver went from 429 lbs to 227 lbs an incredible 202 lb weight loss.

Tom and Vipers

Nov 22, 2000
Reaction score
Jeannette, PA 15644
Also read a number of places that weight is not the solution. First it varies with height - the proper weight that is.

But it is optimum waste size which is independent of height (!)

For men it is <35 and women <30.

Studies found that people with good BMI actually had larger wastes and more risk of dying. The waste is a measure of the cursed abdominal fat which messes big time with heart and other internal organs.

And the nice thing about waste is that you don't have to worry about putting on muscle mass since that is never significant in the abs. (Actually read something interesting about abs: they are relatively small muscles and exercising them really does not accomplish much. Its all about the fat. You get the abs by getting your body fat down nice and low.

But keep in mind about what you think - you see, the brain is 60% fat. It probably evolved from fat. I think it has a kinship to fellow fat cells....


Johnny GTS

Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
So many good people out there! I wish we could get together for a nice barbeque (healthy food , of course) It's been 2 weeks and I've taken many of your dynamite suggestions to heart! I'll be totally honest and tell you that not only have I snuck many snacks and cheated when ever I was weak and that really stinks, but when I have to cheat, I'm doing it in much smaller quantity, and trying to make healthier choices. I have been avoiding the scale (maybe twice a week) and I am happy to report that with nothing too dramatic other than a few lifestyle adjustments and making better and healthier choices I have lost another 6 pounds!!!! My 2 week total is 17 lbs and I could not be more excited!!! I have even been able to enjoy an occasional glass of wine and my favorite single malt to boot! Is this perfect?? Maybe not, Maybe it goes against the grain for some, Maybe I'll gain the weight back and then some, Maybe I'll die from a heart attack, Maybe I'll squeeze into the Viper someday, But I'll tell you one thing, we are only on this earth for so long, nobody knows when we'll cash 'em in but I do not believe in denying ourselves every pleasure life has to offer(so many) Enjoy in moderation if you can (I'll continue to try) but now my friend Glenleviet is calling. Take good care all!!


Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
What matters the most is not the few pennies you took off this week, it's when you look at the whole total and say wow, that's a lot. Look, already 17, awesome.


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
So many good people out there! I wish we could get together for a nice barbeque (healthy food , of course) It's been 2 weeks and I've taken many of your dynamite suggestions to heart! I'll be totally honest and tell you that not only have I snuck many snacks and cheated when ever I was weak and that really stinks, but when I have to cheat, I'm doing it in much smaller quantity, and trying to make healthier choices. I have been avoiding the scale (maybe twice a week) and I am happy to report that with nothing too dramatic other than a few lifestyle adjustments and making better and healthier choices I have lost another 6 pounds!!!! My 2 week total is 17 lbs and I could not be more excited!!! I have even been able to enjoy an occasional glass of wine and my favorite single malt to boot! Is this perfect?? Maybe not, Maybe it goes against the grain for some, Maybe I'll gain the weight back and then some, Maybe I'll die from a heart attack, Maybe I'll squeeze into the Viper someday, But I'll tell you one thing, we are only on this earth for so long, nobody knows when we'll cash 'em in but I do not believe in denying ourselves every pleasure life has to offer(so many) Enjoy in moderation if you can (I'll continue to try) but now my friend Glenleviet is calling. Take good care all!!

Nothing wrong with treating yourself to small amounts of the good stuff...just keep up the good work :2tu:

17 lbs is 5% less already. If you can keep that up you'll have lost 10% from where you started in one month, which is great!

Johnny GTS

Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hello, my friends, I've been thinking about all of your responses some very helpful, but all well intentioned and taken to heart. After 3 weeks of absolute torture I can only sat that putting on this disgusting excess mass was definitely easier and more pleasurable than taking it off! I now realize it's going to be a long slow journey to reach my goal (what ever that is) I only lost another 2 pounds this week which brings mu total to 19, I know I can do better, but deep down I am easily persuaded by the weekend barbeques and get togethers you know. My social circle doesn't give a damn, most of them are heavy weights, as well. I still love them and enjoy their company, I just can't enjoy being with them without eating and drinking fatso style. No excuses, no blame on anyone but myself I'm week I'm still trying, but unless I lock myself in a room I have to eat and enjoy. This *****. Thanks for listening, be well!!


May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Also read a number of places that weight is not the solution. First it varies with height - the proper weight that is.

But it is optimum waste size which is independent of height (!)

For men it is <35 and women <30.

Studies found that people with good BMI actually had larger wastes and more risk of dying. The waste is a measure of the cursed abdominal fat which messes big time with heart and other internal organs.

And the nice thing about waste is that you don't have to worry about putting on muscle mass since that is never significant in the abs. (Actually read something interesting about abs: they are relatively small muscles and exercising them really does not accomplish much. Its all about the fat. You get the abs by getting your body fat down nice and low.

But keep in mind about what you think - you see, the brain is 60% fat. It probably evolved from fat. I think it has a kinship to fellow fat cells....


Losing weight isn't rocket science, it doesn't need to be over-thought. Burn more calories than you take in, it's that simple. Whether you want to get at that by eating less, moving more or a combination of the two.

Oh and BMI is a useless measure since it doesn't take muscle mass into account

Back to what someone said earlier, about not needing to be perfect, this is important OP. Don't become so set on never having a cheat meal that when you inevitably do break down you just give up. To be cliché, it's a marathon not a sprint.

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