My whole family was roaring with laughter when the one host Adam was doing the mile run in the Lambo and yelled out the F-bomb with every gear shift...also describing that driving the Lambo is like "being aroused with a loaded gun pointed at you" is very Clarkson like and funny.
The F-bomb-per-shift had me cracking up.
Tanner's a decent driver, but when you put him in something as "brutal" and "unrefined" as a Viper, you can tell his driving skills have come to rely on ESP and TC, at least in certain conditions.
The writing is ROUGH. I prefer the unscripted banter between the hosts.
The look is 100% TG-UK. The editing, the camera angles, filters, etc. That stuff is all fine.
On that same point,
You are not and won't ever be. Their delivery and chemistry has been honed over years. You guys are going on a couple of days. Relax and it will come, but only with time. DO NOT force it or try to make it into something it can't be.
DO NOT try to employ British humor on a US show. It will not work.
Anyone who believes that the challenges (UK or US) are not staged and brutally edited should turn off their TV and contact me immediately. I have a couple of bridges you may be interested in.
My one minus mark: The Stig.
Give him a new name/persona. "The Clutch", "Billy Bearing", "The Diff", "Header" "Chunk". Something other than "The Stig".
Why? Because 'stig' is 100% Clarkson. It's the term the headmaster at his school used to describe the students.
Get him a different look too. Maybe have one of those guys that do goalie masks paint his helmet....
I'm not detesting the show, but I'm not raving about it either. I'm patient and will give it a few episodes.
Not that my choices make any kind of difference; I DVR'd all of the "Cavemen" episodes.