TPMS Woes? READ THIS FIRST, *before* you waste a bunch of time and money

Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
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Cape Coral, FL
Let me just start by saying... ugh. Yeah, UGH.

We had the vast majority of these TPMS problems solved for decades... that was, until the market turnover buried our name, and then the manufacturer of the sensors we were using discontinued them and sailed off into the sunset... leaving me useless tools and a bag of dead sensors. With the TPMS problem threads and facebook posts now popping up like Whack-A-Mole, seemingly with no reference to us, what we can do, *EXCEPT* to sell the product that is now unavailable.... it came time to type out this thread and solve the problem once again. You know, before I have to smash the laptop and kick a small child.

Well... looks like we may be back in business. And before anyone says "Yeah! Autel!" BEEEEEEP. Try again. I went down that path, only to figure out those idiots stripped the ID Write features out of their tools in 2023, and have been selling them EVER SINCE advertised having features THEY DON'T HAVE! I literally have a tool and sensor set sitting next to me that are about as useful as Anne Frank's Drum Kit, and they have absolutely no explanation of why they did it, why they are still advertising it, or anything else.

So, we found a different, significantly more expensive path, as per friggen usual. The good news? Should be fully operational again, sensors are an absolute top name, and are actually Z-Rated sensors. [Did you know, most of these aftermarket sensor options are not rated beyond 155mph?]

So, all you guys who actually want you cars TPMS to work, and arent so cheap that electrical tape seems like a good solution....OPTIONS:

1. [Scan tool available] Scan your car with a proper DRB-3 or capable OBD2 scan tool. Email us the sensor codes, and we can send you replacement sensors pre-programmed.

2. [Sensors GOOD and available] Disassemble your wheels, and remove the working sensors, mail them to us w/wheel location. We can clone them and return.

3. [Sensors BAD/Unavailable, and Scan Tool Unavailable] Remove TPMS Module, mail here for Programming & Return w/matching sensor set.

4. [Time Constraint + 1/2/3] We can send you a matching sensor set w/TPMS module + Core + Return Label. Install everything, return your old TPMS as a core.

Obviously every situation will be different, but this will cover the majority of situations. Also, we can send as many matching sets of sensors as desired for multiple wheel sets.

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Oct 16, 2024
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I don't understand - any time I've had a TPMS sensor die I just go to my regular tire shop, they stick in a new one, clone it and away I go. Is there something unique about Viper TPMSs, like most cloning tools can't read them?
Viper Specialty

Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
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Cape Coral, FL
I don't understand - any time I've had a TPMS sensor die I just go to my regular tire shop, they stick in a new one, clone it and away I go. Is there something unique about Viper TPMSs, like most cloning tools can't read them?

Short version: Gen-3/4 Viper TPMS is different than literally every other vehicle out there. They are NOT self learning. You need special dealer tools to activate each sensor in a specific order and allow the TPMS module to "accept" new sensor ID's. if you simply replace 1 or more sensors, you will get a low-tire light that will never turn off.

The ONLY solution is to use dealer tools [good luck finding them or a dealer that has a clue], install a cloned sensor set based on a set of ID's already programmed, or ship us your TPMS module to program outside of the vehicle itself.


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
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Dorman made a set of programmable sensors that I've used in my gen 3 for a while now. They have their quirks and I'm sure are not speed as the ones Viper Specialty offers, but that might be another middle of the road option to people for cost. I originally got a set so I could put sensors in my track wheels to still have the warning light, but when my stock ones finally kicked the bucket I bought a second set to replace them. Every once in a while they are a bit goofy (or maybe just my car is) because they will chime that I have a critical tire error when the sensors aren't even supposed to be reading yet (like still parked in my driveway after starting, haven't hit 20 mph yet). That has been few and far between though.

I do have a real deal DRB III though, so that has helped. At one point I just did a full relearn with it back when I had the funny low tire without moving error. I also found that these sensors do not wake up to the donut magnet like the stock ones, even if Dorman claims they do. I bought a separate radio wakeup tool that seemed to do the trick though.
Viper Specialty

Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
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Cape Coral, FL
Dorman was one of the considered options. However, there is more to this than that;

The Dorman sensors, as you rightly pointed out, are not Z-Rated, nor are they angle adjustable, which limits applications and wheel fitment. They are however, programmable.

But that is not the main issue. While there are a few different manufacturers of programmable sensors now, the tools have been limited. The ability to enter desired ID numbers has been stripped out of the vast majority of tools over the last year. I am not entirely sure as to the reasoning, but it seems to coinciding with a few lawsuits. So, in order to manually enter IDs, you need a very expensive tool range from only a couple of related manufacturers. The other tools now require an OBD read or direct sensor read to clone, if they even can. Some have been restricted to "activate to vehicle type" mode only. None of which help a Viper with dead sensors or even work properly due to J1850 bus.

So... we bought the ridiculous tool set, and located the Z-rated, angle adjustable option in the bunch to complete this.

The sensors are about the same price as OE, and beyond that we just bill for programming and/or bench labor to set up and read/program, but that's about it. It's not too crazy. And, we store your IDs so that in the future we can make duplicate sensor sets with zero extra legwork.
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Dec 27, 2023
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Jefferson, GA
I've been trying to get my hands on an Autel MaxiTPMS Pad for a year now. That was the last known good unit I heard from a fellow gen3'er that worked on his with autel programmable tpms sensors. Shit, are you confirming that option is dead in the water at this point? Not that I can find that unobtanium not sold anymore programming pad!
Viper Specialty

Viper Specialty

Legacy/Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Cape Coral, FL
I've been trying to get my hands on an Autel MaxiTPMS Pad for a year now. That was the last known good unit I heard from a fellow gen3'er that worked on his with autel programmable tpms sensors. Shit, are you confirming that option is dead in the water at this point? Not that I can find that unobtanium not sold anymore programming pad!

Dead in the water. All of Autel's products auto-update and strip out the needed feature. Its intentional, which is why I believe it has something to do with the stolen IP lawsuit they were/are wrapped up in. Most frustrating part... the one place it ISNT stripped out is their own damn advertising products and manuals, all of which lead you to believe its still there. Basically begging for another lawsuit.