HOD is at homestead on the 22 of August and Pres. Ivan has gotton a discount for members and lunch is included.

how was it? I was at Sebring that day....
It was a great day. Perfect blue skies, a few clouds, and all the asphalt you could ever wish for. We had a total of 6 Vipers show: 2 ACRs, 3 '08s or newer, and 2 '06s. Ed in the Graphite ACR was probably the fastest on the track. I was joking with him; all the Vette guys, brought tons of tires, gear etc etc, sweating it big, and here was Ed, in his fold out chair, just chillin by the side. The only hard work he did was lift his hood, and of course, lapping everyone in the advanced group.
They opened up NASCAR turns 3 & 4 for the advanced group so you basically had your pedal to the metal over half the track.
This is a World Class track, and perfect for anyone looking to learn how to drive their Viper in a perfect example of a road course, with tons of grass in case you slide a little.
there going back on the 12th of sept. i was doing 130ish in the banking and coming out of 4 at about 140ish and i had it to about 150 before tapping brakes for turn 1 entry at 110. you need to find out what eds speeds were(grey acr) he was the fastest at the track that day i would guess 140ish in the banking and 160ish plus in the straight and entry into turn 1 really fast dont think i evev saw break lights. it was a rush and a great change.