Money saved is money earned; however, some do like the feeling of getting bent over by the dealer. I will not support our local dealer who overcharges on every product and automobile. dave6666, the engine, tranny & diff fluids on our race cars gets flushed after every race weekend so the money does add up so when we can get the same, identical product that Dodge recommends at almost 1/2 the cost it just makes economical sense. I agree that saving $10 bucks a year isn't that much, but to each his own on that one.
On some of the transmissions that I've purchased from Dodge over the years some have had tags on them that say exactly to fill with Castrol Syntorq LT.
I've yet to see a Dodge, Borg Warner or Tremec engineer on thse boards to give the Viper owner the exact fluids to use, because on all their web sites they show different oils to use in the T-56.