Two guys drank 12 beers in 90 minutes prior to one crashing his viper


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
Nothing will happen to this driver...certainly nothing that's going to have a profound effect on his life to make certain he never does something this stupid again. The opportunity for this **** to learn a lesson passed....when he failed to hit a tree and kill himself.

Agreed on both points. He'll have to pay a fine and they'll probably suspend his license and maybe even do a little jail time, but that's it. He endangered the lives of everyone on the road that night and he'll get a slap on the wrist. That's our great court system at work :rolleyes: Taking a drunk's license deters them as much as putting up a "no guns allowed" sign deters psycho people from walking in and shooting a place up. I couldn't care less when a drunk kills theirself, its only sad when they kill innocent people. Even worse is when the innocent people die and the drunk lives. Sadly, that's how it normally plays out.

I hear you guys about good parents pointing their kids in a positive direction in life but I feel it mostly applies to teens.
This guy was 28 and at that point I look at it like this...
By that age you better know yourself, avoid your weaknesses, play to your strengths, choose a path in life and man up to be a responsible adult is so desired - period.
At 28 HE should be the one shaping and molding the lives of his own children. jmho

I agree here as well. Parents do mold a child, but by 28, you make your own decisions. Even if this kid had the worst parents ever, at 28, he should know not to drink and drive. He did and he got hurt. Hopefully he doesn't do it again. If he does, hopefully he picks on a pine tree going about 130mph this time.


Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
Greensburg, Kentucky
There you go again, blaming the court system. I love the perfect world you live in, where people never make a mistake. I bet you don't have insurance on your car. You never make a mistake.

For your information, even one of our Presidents, had a drunk driving charge on him when he was two years older than this guy. Add in Mel Gibson, K. Sutherland. You are from the south, how about Wyona Judd?

In the real world, people do stupid things. Most do not do it a second time.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Obviously, you have not known anyone with a serious head injury. He has paid the price and then some.........


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
There you go again, blaming the court system. I love the perfect world you live in, where people never make a mistake. I bet you don't have insurance on your car. You never make a mistake.

For your information, even one of our Presidents, had a drunk driving charge on him when he was two years older than this guy. Add in Mel Gibson, K. Sutherland. You are from the south, how about Wyona Judd?

And there you go again, defending a criminal. Let's get one thing straight, driving drunk is not a mistake. Its a crime. A mistake is dropping a glass picture frame. This idiot got drunk, willingly hopped in a Viper and wrecked it. That's a crime. I never blamed the court system for him driving drunk. I did however blame it for being so lenient that it's NO deterrent to him or anyone else to not drink and drive. For the celebrities you named with DUI charges, who cares how famous they are? Oh, they made a movie, so its ok to drive drunk? Only in your world. A President got a DUI charge? Good for them...hope they did MASSIVE jail time for it instead of a slap of the wrist that they most likely got.

Most do not do it a second time.
I'd laugh at you, but I'm afraid you actually believe that garbage.

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Ya know what? When I get drunk and wreck a car, judge me all you want. But guess what, I'm not that stupid. So, yes, I will continue to judge those who do. Am I perfect? Nope. Even close? Nope. Smart enough to not commit crimes? Yes.

Obviously, you have not known anyone with a serious head injury. He has paid the price and then some.........

To hell with this ***** and his head injury. He can flat-line tonight for all I care. He endangered other's lives, but luckily his is the only one that is messed up because of his actions. It's normally not that fair.

Hoosier Daddy

Feb 3, 2002
Reaction score
upstate, NY
I mean he's in his 20's (how many of you can say you haven't done things just as stupid in your 20's)!
Used to go to the triple AAA baseball games in Norfolk,VA and drink a beer an inning. Would come back from the beer stand with 4 glasses in the eight inning just in case of extra innings. Not sure how we ever got home or went to next. Now a days they stop selling beer in the 6th inning here.


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Southern Oregon
What he did is a crime. Part of his punishment if he drives again should be that he can't drive anything but a yugo or something with a maximum of 20 hp.


Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Leave it to the law to try and make a buck out of it. On the bright side maybe I have a car for parts in the future. Thanks to all the stupid idiots for keeping my car supplied. Hope this message ****** off anyone who thinks they can drive drunk and you can think of me before you get in a car. When it comes down to it. Do you really have to drink at all? Just how much does it improve your life? I've lost friends from drinking and don't really want to lose any more. Hope this guy doesn't get it to bad. Look what it has cost him already?


Feb 24, 2002
Reaction score
Bergen County NJ
I guess its a sign of maturity when you realize you like driving more then you like drinking.

One crime at a time.

No sympathy, drinking and driving is the easiest thing to avoid. Be a grown up and have someone else drive.