IN TEXAS you will See Hennessey Motorsports, TNT Motorsports, LPE car, 1 Levin Car, CXI, Velocity, MTI, TPI and NASE from NJ. Are you interested in seeing the HIGHEST Concentration of the quickest VIPERS in the world? our entry fee is $10 for spectators and a 9.99 will not win you anything this time out!!! but remember folks we have several classes, BTW our deal is the Viper World Drag Racing Championship and I threw the vette thing in just for a KING OF THE HILL at the end. THE HOUSTON VIPER CLUB OWNS THE TRACK FOR THE DAY, we are not "tagging on" to any other event. Weather has been high 70 low 50 around here also. ours has been in the planning for 3 months not 2 weeks. just Compare time's after the weekend and you will be sad if you missed out on this one.
OCTOBER 21st check out website for more details or contact me if I can answer questions
OCTOBER 21st check out website for more details or contact me if I can answer questions