For years I have not used anything. I've had a good Atty that has been able to get defective equipment, non-moving, no point out comes every time, even if in the same city within the same year. His fee, $65.00 per ticket, ticket fee typically twice the orig ticket fine.
BUT, I just settled one my guy could not get fixed and I had to hire a local atty from the city it was in. Cost for atty $250.00, ticket fee $300.00. I was doing 90 in a 55 in a small town called Richmond MO. Picture Dukes of Hazard, now you got it. But I did get defective equipment, non-moving, no points outcome. (no not in my Viper, in my daily driver!)
So I am looking to own radar and laser equipment after the last one. Like Fast Freddy, when I used one, I always used a passport, I had two different models. Loved them both. I also used a Phazer Jammer for a while.
My issue here is it seems all troops around me are now using laser. I assume this because every time I see them on the side of the road they are holding a "gun" up against their face looking through a "scope" to aim it. Unlike the radar just point it out the back window. But I could be wrong about my assumption.
From what I gleen from all the radar/laser posts on this site it sounds like there are laser jammers on the market. Are they functional? Are they legal? Which ones work best? Could you run a V1 next to a laser jammer without both going off like crazy? (I tried my Phazer Jammer and my Passport at the same time and they both lit up like a x-mas tree, they never quit going off)
If I go with both a radar detector and a laser jammer I will most likley try the V1 since I never have had one.
Any input on a laser jammer?