User Friendly Site \"NOT!\"
I will continue just browsing and gathering very helpful information from you guys but I think the site is complicated as for as trying to be a part of the club. Every new member has problems posting a pic! The sites "Contact Us" at the bottom is not even a valid email address! I feel as though status is limited to special members and new members are not felt welcomed. I am a Viper Owner not an "Enthusiast" as the site diplics me!
I will continue just browsing and gathering very helpful information from you guys but I think the site is complicated as for as trying to be a part of the club. Every new member has problems posting a pic! The sites "Contact Us" at the bottom is not even a valid email address! I feel as though status is limited to special members and new members are not felt welcomed. I am a Viper Owner not an "Enthusiast" as the site diplics me!