Since the new Union contract has now been approved, per that contract, Viper production will end in 2017. As is the case with any car site where the car goes out of production, the historical database of this site will continue to have value but participation will gradually fall off. The same will be true for the other site - perhaps even more so since this site has far more data regarding prior generations and the other site has more data regarding the Gen V.
Neither club or site will survive on its own in the coming environment because funding will fall off. Unfortunately, vendors will also be affected. ( For an example of this phenomenon, take a look at the history of the Ford Lightning site, etc.)
A significant number of Gen V owners have to have the latest and greatest car. They will sell their vipers and move on to something else. Particularly those who are early adopters of new tech as opposed to those of us who are dinosaurs and late adopters of new tech.
With that said, the Viper is, and will always be, a very special car to millions of people who do, and will continue to, go nuts when they see one.
There is just nothing like it in its price range. In fact, it could be said that there is nothing like it at any price.
I will be keeping mine for many years.
The bottom line is that the clubs should seriously explore puting their assets together in some fashion to maximize the probability of survival in the future. Even if this happens, there will have to be significant austerity measures taken with respect to any and all club expenditures to allow the continuation because after Viper production ends, the possibility of new Viper raffle cars is eliminated. So a business model based on new Viper raffle or "door prize" events will not be possible.
I know this is a bit painful but it is what it is.