VCA SRT Press Release


Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Did the COOL program get canceled like I've heard? That will probably hurt the membership numbers if it did.
Also, does the "number of members" include website members (active, inactive, suspended, etc), or it that the number of acutal, paid VCA memberships at the time?


Jan 15, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe I'm way out in the dark but I have to ask; what's the "COOL program"? I've been around for a few years and I'm not aware of it.

I've read the article in question about five times now and I'm still confused with why there would be any questions, as well as the motive to post it in the way you did. It seems like a typical feel-good story with a few data points about the club.

I've tried to summarize my thoughts below on the two biggest data points about the club.

1) "The Viper Club of America, the Dodge/SRT Viper ownership group that has represented over 27,000 members and countless other Viper owners from around the world.."
- This club has been around since 1995 and from what I remember there were a little over 32,000 Vipers produced from 1992 - 2010. While not everyone joins the club, many cars change owners (like the one I own) and I could easily see how the club would have a cumulative membership in the neighborhood of 27,000.
2) "...the club's discussion forums [..] average some eight million hits a month..."
- I'm an excessive lurker. I bet I account for around a quarter of a million hits per month.

What are the questions?
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Legacy Member
VCA Member
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
28,401 Viper produced 1992-2010

Not that I'm counting or anything

I actually found the story rather impressive. The accomplishments are second to none. I have relinked it in several emails to some x-brand'r friends of mine showing them the accomplishments of a really tight nit club .

However, The 8 million hits is no big deal even if your counting unique hits. I've worked on web sites that had well over a million hits a day and 40 million in a month and those were considered small. For a Car Club, it really a huge step above averge. Congrats to the VCA, some stats really worth bragging about
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Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
COOL memberships were started around 2001 or so. Chrysler paid for an annual VCA membership for all new Viper purchases in the US and they were considered "Coin" - some sort of internal Chrysler marketing term. As for 2013, SRT dealers were told during their training that VCA memberships were included - it was also in their training booklets. Given that the VCA continues to represent some of Chrysler's most valued clients, it seems pretty logical that the COOL program would continue. That said, it is up to SRT as to how much they want to nurture those Viper buyers for other Chrysler product purchases. NOBODY fosters that more than the VCA.

As far as affecting overall VCA membership, that's the funny thing: When there were no new cars built in 2007 membership dropped over 20%, undoubtedly because there were no Chrysler-paid members. Yet in 2011 and again in 2012, membership INCREASED. It is already on track to do that yet again in 2013 based on current renewal rates. COOL memberships are great for the club, but even better for those new owners that discover the Viper family that is the VCA. As is said so often, "You come for the car but you stay for the people." What better way to keep people in the Chrysler family?


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry, but you can't "stay for the people" if in between Vipers or a previous owner without a current car. Membership is currently an elitist option. I am tired of asking about ability to support the club and members being a previous owner and member for past 6 years. Every thread I bring up gets moved to members section so I can't see it anymore, or it gets flat out closed for discussion so I can't even comment.

It was not my choice to come down with a life threatening illness last Spring, forcing me to unfortunately sell my Viper of 6 years to cover medical costs and uncertainty. Thankfully after the surgeries we were able to get it under control finally or seems to at the moment.

However the club has left me out in the dark due to no ability to rejoin. This has had a very negative effect on me as a previous paid supporter. Sorry but the attitude is spilling into the next vehicle purchase I am looking at. Yes I like the people we have met and relationships we have invested in, but the way the club has thrown me out like last weeks trash, due to something out of my control is disappointing and the elitist attitude that has followed is a little heart breaking. This does not foster a Chrysler family environment.

I have heard all the reasons about Dodge not wanting non-owners in the club, but none of that fits when looking at the Chrysler commercials (ISO, Paul Harvey Farmer, etc.). What did I have to have my wife video tape me coming out of these surgeries very weak stating that all want to have is a membership in the VCA, just for the empathetic effect? Or that at least I could count on the VCA to support me?

Happy the club is getting recognition on the world stage, but sorry, I am not buying membership numbers nor club truly caring about members past present and future. I am literally 6 to 10 posts away from never returning or supporting ever again in the future, whether I own another Viper in the future or not. VCA's current actions and stance are not promoting a future Viper ownership nor VCA membership for previous owners. Does not promote keeping people in Chrysler family, this situation is proof of that.

This is the last time I will ask for a serious consideration and answer. All I can say is very disappointing, very, very disappointing.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
It appears that your biggest concern, and rightfully so, is allowing past members that no longer have their cars to stay in the club. Obviously this has been the policy since the club was first founded and is not something any recent administration came up with.

There are two related requests, one seemingly more acceptable than the other. The first is yours, which would allow Viper owners to join the club and then stay in even if they sold their car - paying dues like everybody else. The second would be those that want to join as "associate" members, whether they ever owned a Viper or not. This is more difficult to judge because you don't know what cars will show up at what events. Will Viper owners accept a Honda or Mustang cruising around the autocross with them? Will group photos allow those same cars to be in with the Vipers or will that "ruin" the photo? Would you restrict former Viper owners for bringing their "regular" cars as well?

Not as cut-and-dry as you might think, this is for the current Viper Club of America board of directors to discuss and decide. As for me, now that I am finally retired from any official officer position I can go enjoy the Lamborghini Club - with our Viper. ;)


Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
i would like that canadian owners be included in all benefits that the usa owners get. right now we get next to nothing.


Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
when you buy a car in the usa you would get a day at the srt experence and use to get 1 year of membership dues payed.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Sorry to read of your health problem and the effect it has had on your finances. You said: "Thankfully after the surgeries we were able to get it under control finally or seems to at the moment."

If I were in your shoes, I would not be using any of my time on the VCA. Why deal with something relatively unimportant that causes you to get upset. The VCA is just a car club. Spend the time and energy on, and with, your loved ones. Buy a puppy.

Sorry, but you can't "stay for the people" if in between Vipers or a previous owner without a current car. Membership is currently an elitist option. I am tired of asking about ability to support the club and members being a previous owner and member for past 6 years. Every thread I bring up gets moved to members section so I can't see it anymore, or it gets flat out closed for discussion so I can't even comment.

It was not my choice to come down with a life threatening illness last Spring, forcing me to unfortunately sell my Viper of 6 years to cover medical costs and uncertainty. Thankfully after the surgeries we were able to get it under control finally or seems to at the moment.

However the club has left me out in the dark due to no ability to rejoin. This has had a very negative effect on me as a previous paid supporter. Sorry but the attitude is spilling into the next vehicle purchase I am looking at. Yes I like the people we have met and relationships we have invested in, but the way the club has thrown me out like last weeks trash, due to something out of my control is disappointing and the elitist attitude that has followed is a little heart breaking. This does not foster a Chrysler family environment.

I have heard all the reasons about Dodge not wanting non-owners in the club, but none of that fits when looking at the Chrysler commercials (ISO, Paul Harvey Farmer, etc.). What did I have to have my wife video tape me coming out of these surgeries very weak stating that all want to have is a membership in the VCA, just for the empathetic effect? Or that at least I could count on the VCA to support me?

Happy the club is getting recognition on the world stage, but sorry, I am not buying membership numbers nor club truly caring about members past present and future. I am literally 6 to 10 posts away from never returning or supporting ever again in the future, whether I own another Viper in the future or not. VCA's current actions and stance are not promoting a future Viper ownership nor VCA membership for previous owners. Does not promote keeping people in Chrysler family, this situation is proof of that.

This is the last time I will ask for a serious consideration and answer. All I can say is very disappointing, very, very disappointing.

Paul Hawker

Oct 1, 2000
Reaction score
San Diego, Calif, USA
Canadian buyers should not feel left out. I believe the SRT "free" experience is actually a line item, and charged for, on the US window sticker. Maybe VCA club membership too. Canadian stickers will not include those costs when purchased new.


Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Welland, Ont
If they are a "line item" then I was not informed at the time of my 2 purchases. Like many times said before in various threads, why do us "foreigners" get left out. You buy an SRT product, all incentives should be offered across the board regardless of where it is purchased. My company buys American and off shore goods, and their warranties and incentives are honoured!!

Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Coloviper, I am sorry to hear of your health issues and wish you well! I too, had some health issues a while back when a couple incompetent fools(doctors) forgot to tell me I had cancer, resulting in nearly a 4 year delay in discovery/treatment and much more aggressive surgery and future risk.

I am not sure how other regions treat their "associate" members. We invite them to all events and I think that the only benefits that they can't enjoy is being an officer of the club and they have to pay for the magazine if they want one. There are no restrictions to what region a person joins the VCA. Check the region you want to affiliate with on the application.

We, in Ohio, have many "foreign" members and welcome anyone to join our region and come and participate in all our events. In fact, we have invited non-VCA Viper owners at events to hang with us many times. Tom Paranzino, the now official VCA auctioneer, was one such person. Terry Bosserman and I saw him at a Mopar Nationals event a few years ago. Tom had intended to drive a different vehicle to the event and for some reason changed his mind and drove his Viper. We saw him enter the grounds, followed him and invited him to join us for the day. He hung out with us all day and then joined us for a private catered dinner in the Jeg's suite after the days activities were winding down. After dinner, Terry and I made our usual attempt to auction off some items to raise club funds and for charity. Tom started laughing and "volunteered" his services as a REAL auctioneer. The rest is history, he joined VCA and has become a huge benefit to Ohio and National VCA. I believe at last tally he has "sold" around $300,000 in Viper items to benefit the VCA and it's charities!

On another note, I started this thread at the urgings of someone from another site with no posting privileges on this site. I'm not sure what the intended purpose was and I suspect it was an attempt to try and discredit the VCA , the author or both. Unlike many, I was, on the dark side, trying to get some insight to all sides of the current issues facing the VCA. I was later accused of being a "spy", a "lemming" and a puppet for Marv (who I have only spoken to once or twice in my life, a few years ago). A strange thought and I guess they all don't see or feel the strings attached to them! Anyone that knows me can assure you I am not a lemming. I was instructed to read the thousands of posts on their site so that I could get up to speed. I guess since it's on their internet, it must be true! If they want you to have an opinion, they will give it to you!

Oh, and I'm a FRENCH MODEL! Bonjour!

Hint for the day: The RED line under a word means it's not spelled correctly or it's a name.

Ray W

Oct 28, 2000
Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale,FL USA
Take their money.

On the forum non and past owners should be able to post in the general areas. For the member sections they must pay.They should be identified as to what type of member they are. Future,current or past owner. If they become detrimental to the site they can always be suspended or banned.

For National events you must own a Viper. For Regional and Local events you must own a Viper and be a member in good standing. As a show of support you should bring your Viper if possible to these events.

Local clubs can regulate their own events as to what cars are to be brought to social and track events.

GTS-R 001

Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
California (north)
In a few of the Norcal meeting I attended, members still drove whatever they wanted to drive or show off. I think associate memberships have a lot of merit, and I remember a few years ago I suggested a junior membership for member's kids as well and a number of members loved the idea.

In the case of Coloviper I believe there should be a "grace" given to people that have owned a viper, I can see many reasons why to do so and outside of the above stated problem" of a civic showing up at a meeting, I can't see that being an issue ( I think Colo has a really cool Mach 1 that a few of us would die to see and drive)


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Randall, I just checked in and will call you tomorrow. Thanks!

I don't mean to be a pest on ths issue and we have two Bichon puppies at home already. Outside my insane work schedule, most of our good friends are in the VCA, especially the local CO chapter, hence our desire to still be a part of this thing in some form, until we can pick up another Viper in the future.

Viper Grenade

Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Agreed. I have a Viper for over 13 years. The 1st year I got a VCA membership. I never got any of my Viper mags, got treated like **** (due to being "too young"...I was 20 at the time). I still show up a viper meets from time to time....maybe every two years. But it's always the same bs. People bs-ing, slow cruises and eating gressey fatty food. Maybe I need to dye my hair gray gain 40lbs and dawn a windbreaker. Over that last 10 years I have seen no reason to join VCA.

Unless you have gray hair and are buying a new viper, VCA doesn't give a crap, they just want your membership dues.


Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Agreed. I have a Viper for over 13 years. The 1st year I got a VCA membership. I never got any of my Viper mags, got treated like **** (due to being "too young"...I was 20 at the time). I still show up a viper meets from time to time....maybe every two years. But it's always the same bs. People bs-ing, slow cruises and eating gressey fatty food. Maybe I need to dye my hair gray gain 40lbs and dawn a windbreaker. Over that last 10 years I have seen no reason to join VCA.

Unless you have gray hair and are buying a new viper, VCA doesn't give a crap, they just want your membership dues.

You are making a judgment call on the entire VCA based on one region. Thats not fair. Sorry your first experience was a sour one. Maybe you should rejoin and run for office the next time your region has an election. Or at the very least plan an event and present it to your regional president if you don't like all the events they are planning. If it's a hit perhaps it'll get put on your regions calendar for subsequent years. :)

Sam Goldfarb

Dec 29, 2000
Reaction score
Agreed. I have a Viper for over 13 years. The 1st year I got a VCA membership. I never got any of my Viper mags, got treated like **** (due to being "too young"...I was 20 at the time). I still show up a viper meets from time to time....maybe every two years. But it's always the same bs. People bs-ing, slow cruises and eating gressey fatty food. Maybe I need to dye my hair gray gain 40lbs and dawn a windbreaker. Over that last 10 years I have seen no reason to join VCA.

Unless you have gray hair and are buying a new viper, VCA doesn't give a crap, they just want your membership dues.

I Disagree. I have HAD a Viper for over 15 years. The 1st year I purchased a VCA membership. I don’t remember if I got any magazines and was more interested in driving the car and meeting people. I got treated like a king! Maybe because I was "Old"...I was 42 at the time). I still show up AT a Viper meet from time to time....maybe every two- three weeks most years, depending on the weather and the season. It’s always the same. People bs-ing (Much like these Forums), slow cruises or fast cruises (Depends on your driving style) and eating whatever food I wanted! Maybe I need to buy some hair, lose 40lbs and get a NEW windbreaker. Over THE last 15 years I have been honored to serve as a Regional Officer and Director and truly value all the friends that I hope I have made for life!

To quote an ancient President, ask not what your car club can do for you, but what you can do for your car club!

***** ***** *****; let’s go get some more GRESSEY food, whatever that is!
The Red Lines, The Red Lines!


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
I doubt that you were treated like s**t because "you were too young". Based on your post, I would theorize that you were treated as you were because you were disrespectful of those older and more experienced than you. Try combining some diplomacy and respect with the ideas in post #22 above. Every group forms it's own "culture" - even relatively small groups. The existing members should welcome new members but the new members should make an effort to understand what is already in place, including the history of same, and work with the existing members in a collegial way regarding any changes desired. It's a matter of balancing your "I" with their "we".

Agreed. I have a Viper for over 13 years. The 1st year I got a VCA membership. I never got any of my Viper mags, got treated like **** (due to being "too young"...I was 20 at the time). I still show up a viper meets from time to time....maybe every two years. But it's always the same bs. People bs-ing, slow cruises and eating gressey fatty food. Maybe I need to dye my hair gray gain 40lbs and dawn a windbreaker. Over that last 10 years I have seen no reason to join VCA.

Unless you have gray hair and are buying a new viper, VCA doesn't give a crap, they just want your membership dues.


Viper Owner
Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
"The Viper Club of America is proud to support not just the Viper, but the entire Chrysler product line. Owning the "halo" product of Chrysler Group LLC, Viper owners often own large business fleets and refer numerous other vehicle buyers to the various Chrysler brands.
PR Newswire ("

lol wut?


Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
How to make friends and influence people ........

And I resemble that remark about 40 lbs and gray hair :rolaugh: (sans the windbreaker.)

Agreed. I have a Viper for over 13 years. The 1st year I got a VCA membership. I never got any of my Viper mags, got treated like **** (due to being "too young"...I was 20 at the time). I still show up a viper meets from time to time....maybe every two years. But it's always the same bs. People bs-ing, slow cruises and eating gressey fatty food. Maybe I need to dye my hair gray gain 40lbs and dawn a windbreaker. Over that last 10 years I have seen no reason to join VCA.

Unless you have gray hair and are buying a new viper, VCA doesn't give a crap, they just want your membership dues.


Viper Owner
Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
How to make friends and influence people ........

And I resemble that remark about 40 lbs and gray hair :rolaugh: (sans the windbreaker.)

Dale Carnegie! I am 26 and have had my viper since 2009 and have been a member for about a year and so far its been okay, is it worth the ~$120? I don't know.... I have gotten my magazines and I have been to one or two meets, I definitely feel out of place due to the age difference but it is what you make it.

Bill Pemberton Woodhouse

VCA Member
Supporting Vendor
Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
I always thought age was non existent with gearheads and I have never really seen an issue among Viper owners. Not saying it doesn't exist, but wonder if it is not just a preconcieved notion as opposed to fact , since in other groups I am also in , age is just not a concern. Motorheads like to talk to others with similar interests, so hopefully some of these situations were nothing more than a new guy ( regardless of age ) not really knowing anyone initially and feeling a bit out of place like any social encounter. Give it another shot , as have not met a Viper owner yet who wasn't open to others with the same sickness. As for VCA, it is under different administration now, and membership dues, correspondence , the magazine, etc. are at a new standard , and it is one many Clubs would love to emulate. Response to concerns , etc. are very prompt and helpful, just send a note to [email protected].

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