Post 'em here! 

It's hardly a magazine - more like a glossy brochure for Vipers and advertisers. I never see any objective reviews of aftermarket products, real "how-to" stories, or any articles about modified Vipers. No project cars or tech articles, either (and a one page brief on what tranny fluid to use hardly constitutes "tech").
I do realize that the market wouldn't support a magazine because of the limited appeal/ownership/production #'s of Vipers, but it seems to be largely an advertising vehicle for Mopar.
Hey, this IS a review section... Flame on!
Where is the Centerfold?
"Flame on"? I'll just respond to what you wrote using the last Viper mag issue and everyone can see that you never even looked at the magazine.
In FALL 08 Viper mag;
A real how-to on how the world record was set at Nuremburg Ring, 7.22 since you obviously never read it.
Do you get any other automotive publications besides Viper magazine?? That article is NOT a "how-to," as in how to swap the gears in the rear, or how to adjust the rebound in your Koni's. THAT is a how-to.
"Remembering Jim Clark" has racing (you know - modified) and Vipers in Germany
This has nothing to do with modding a Viper, and last I checked, Jim Clark died 40yrs ago, so I know he never drove a Viper.
VOI X story, highlights, Milan dragracing (stock and modified), Grand Prix (again fully modified race cars), etc.
Was there a profile or detailed description of a single car?
Mini Racers is a product review.
Uh, OK, how does it improve my car's performance or appearance?
Clutch System Bleeding Service is a "How to"
Gee, what's next, "How to make sure your tires are inflated properly?" OK, it IS a how-to. I guess one page devoted to tech is a start.
So You Think You Know How to Drive is an article I wrote on "How to" do an HP Driving course and MY highly modified Viper GTS
Again, your article just shared a little of your experience. It was NOT a "how-to" in any sense and you didn't teach anyone anything.
Silver State Shootout is about an Extreme High Speed Rally which is attended mostly by Highly modified vehicles. and Viper coverage was excellent as well as including some excellent pictures.
OK, then why not contact the owner of one of the participating Vipers and do a detailed article about the car and the modifications, rather than a bland overview?
Winter Workhorse shows a good sense of humor while dsiplaying more awesome photography and unusual situations.
Some club info (since it's a club publication) is informative
And many aftermarket products advertised, just in case someone wants to purchase aftermarket or replacement parts.
Ahh, so THAT's why they have those ads there. Does the editorial staff ever install a part to see if it lives up to what the advertising proclaims? Or dyno test anything? Or compare parts or mods to see which one performs best? Many real car magazines do that, you know.
The aftermarket advertisments are obviously opposite of your comment about "largely an advertising vehicle for Mopar."
How would you expect to get honest and unbiased info if your newspaper was published by the Gov't? Easy - you wouldn't.
Sorry but you "review" is a comlete lie. Try reading the magaine.
It's hardly a magazine - more like a glossy brochure for Vipers and advertisers. I never see any objective reviews of aftermarket products, real "how-to" stories, or any articles about modified Vipers. No project cars or tech articles, either (and a one page brief on what tranny fluid to use hardly constitutes "tech").
I do realize that the market wouldn't support a magazine because of the limited appeal/ownership/production #'s of Vipers, but it seems to be largely an advertising vehicle for Mopar.
Hey, this IS a review section... Flame on!
So You Think You Know How to Drive is an article I wrote on "How to" do an HP Driving course and MY highly modified Viper GTS.
That would be VIPERS, correct Bruce???![]()
i agree with chimazo. i hate the mag. no real interesting articles. no cool stuff. all boring past events. when is there gonna be something that wont make me fall asleep the minute i read the first page.
I agree with CHIMAZO for the most part. Although I do read it cover to cover. I just wish there was more to it.
I also subscribe to: Road & Track
Car & Driver
Hemmings Motor News
Vintage Racecar Journal
******* Weekly
Vintage Motorsports
Gee, I guess I need to get a life!!!!!!
Vipers with headlights on.Sorry I couldn't help it.
The other Bruce...