Re: VIPAIR™ Dyno Results on 99 RT 16 RWHP!!
Admit it - you've all missed this thread - and now you need a distraction from that Cobrakid with a Vette fetish - crying over the Viper not fitting him right.... as though a genuine 427 Cobra ever fitted anyone over 6 foot either.
I found this quote below - and I know that GTSDean will be so happy that I took the liberty to quote him here -
thanks are not necessary Dean - it's all part of the service
Now listen up - because he makes the very point that several of us made weeks and weeks ago while everyone was running around dynos - which ARE MEANINGLESS for simulating real world conditions - and ducting cold air specifically.
NB: I have no clue whether Vipair works in the real world or not - and don't care... but this example below is real world from a real world racer and the same MIGHT apply to the Vipair as it did to the airbox made by the one who cannot be named... aka John H - the one in Texas, in Houston, who makes Venom twin turbos...
"Let's talk about air boxes then. I've dyno'd my GTS on 4 different machines since '99 and from 11k to 25k miles. With the exception of a mustang shop in SA that wasn't properly altitude corrected, every one indicated between 410 and 413hp with a fully warmed engine. New u-joints and diff made no measureable difference on my car from my March and December '03 pulls. Stock airbox with smoothies and K&Ns dyno'd the same on a hot, humid day in Houston as the [******] CF box did on a cold, dry day in SA. However, at TWS, my front straight speeds are about 4-6mph higher with the [******] box, and my trap speeds at the strip are up from ~116mph to consistently around 121+ mph. I don't give a rat's a$$ how much fan you blow at the front end, you will not duplicate the pressure differences at the airbox in real life. Saturday, my cool engine made 8hp more than my warm engine. It was the only time I've seen this "magic" 420hp number for my filters and tubes car." quoted from GTS Dean without permission

- so shoot me
Now of particular note is the comment about the rats a$$ - because that's all the fan is. Get a stop watch and onto a track and some real speeds - none of this 50mph pansy stuff.... then you'll know.
Old Mopar racers will know that it took 30 square inches of frontal intake scoop area to net around 20-30hp over 100mph of cold air compared to taking in underhood air. No fan and dyno would measure a thing - but the traps don't lie.
IS that stirred up enough Sun Ka Rat?