The government is already watching everything. They have unfettered access in some form or another to phone records, mobile records, approximate mobile location (if a call was made), bank records, credit records, credit card spending records, internet access records, tax records, criminal records, international travel records. It's only if things need to go to court that they need some event to trigger a search warrant. And then they wait and watch the old fashioned way.
Now with fuel taxes potentially disappearing over the next decade or two, the alternative is mileage based taxation using GPS monitors or similar devices. So now they have the potential to find out my driving habits too. And with the black box monitors, they have a lot more detail into that driving.
But wait it's not over. Soon medical records will be fully online too.
So what's the best way out.
First close all bank and credit card accounts here and open one in Switzerland (off course you should pay your taxes but the details will not be available), give up the 2-year contract phone and go with a pay-as-you-go phone (change the phone every few months). Drive an antique car (the Viper's getting there). And get your medical treatment in a developed 3rd world country (it's cheaper too). And shun bluetooth live the devil.
We live in a FREE country.

Only as long as you don't look over your shoulder.