Does anyone ever go in there? Its always vacant, or at least when I look. Anywho, I'm hanging out in there for now talking to myself. Anyone wanna join?
Does anyone ever go in there? Its always vacant, or at least when I look. Anywho, I'm hanging out in there for now talking to myself. Anyone wanna join?
You're right! In fact, when I went in there I saw another name, but they immediately signed out. So either nobody likes me or only one person can be in there at a time (please keep all smarta$$ comments to yourself).
Donations accepted though!
I'm here for a little while. Talk to me while you can. No waiting! No cover charge! Donations accepted though!
Someone help me. I'm stuck in here with Tony Armour now and he's hitting on me again. HELP!!!
I left after Chad asked about my hobbies and other interests, and he also mentioned opening up a private chat room and pm'ing me the password. Not sure what that was all about.
I'm going back in. Today's topics will consists of:
1. Viper Days
2. ******* locations near VIR
3. ******* Playmates and their phone #'s
4. 1Tony1 and cyaford's secret love child who lives in Mongolia
All very good topics. Tony and I are still waiting for the ******* chick(whose name shall remain anonymous for legal reasons) to do a DNA test to see who the child's father is. Until then, Tony and I will both stake claim. If not for your little premature issue, you would've been in the mix also Chad.
Dude!!! I remember that party. You invited me and Tony and said some Playmates and ******* girls would be there. You failed to mention it was the "Drag Queens" issue of ******* party....
Dude!!! I remember that party. You invited me and Tony and said some Playmates and ******* girls would be there. You failed to mention it was the "Drag Queens" issue of ******* party I did have a "premature issue". When I saw you, Tony and RuPaul go into the back, I grabbed some ******* girls and left prematurely I supervise what girls any GA-VCA guys leave from a party with to be sure stuff like this never happens in the GA region. Maybe its time Chip looked into adopting some of the GA-VCA policies (when Tony is with a dragqueen, he's a AL/TN member. When he is offering rides in his TT GTS at the BBQ, he's a GA-VCA member ).
the same thing happened to me...when I signed in the only other name signed / got booted out...weird
That is what I also get kinda frequently
I'm in there all evening again.