Why? Are you selling one

Do I look better with a mullet or something? Actually, I've been a Viper fan and saw one before virtually everyone on this forum. I saw it in person before 1989, when it was first a concept. I have family that knew the Viper team. So, it's much more likely that most of you would buy a Vette before me!
Warfang, don't be a hater. You can't just ban people that express an idea. If you have a point to make, express it rationally and intellectually.
C-Note, Like I said before, we agree on most of those things. But you're misinterpreting my message probably because you're really passionate about this subject.
I know how traction control works quite well and have for years. I never discussed anything about traction control, did I? I was referring to DSC/ESP, which is a variance of traction control that's active when you slip while turning. Not accelerating while turning doesn't always fix the problem when you are turning, esp if you hit water/oil, stones when we don't expect.
A bad driver is a bad driver. No electronics will compensate for that.