VCA Venom Member
Hi All,
I am sure glad to see 2020 in the rear view mirror, as I am sure all of you are as well. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.
I have rescheduled the Viper drive-in movie night from last year, for Saturday March 27th.
Tentative Schedule:
March 27, 2021:
3 PM: Meet in Ocala, location TBN, and we will take a Viper cruise through beautiful horse country.
5 PM: Meet at the Ocala Drive Inn movie theater. Position the cars.
6 PM: Movie starts
We will have our own screen and area to park our machines and enjoy the old time tradition of a “Drive in Movie.” The Movie to be announced, but it will be car related for sure.
There are 36 spots that have speakers at the drive Inn, so the first 36 RSVPs will get one of those spots. I will need your full head count. Although we will be outside, we do request that everyone bring and wear a face covering, as I am sure everyone will want to gather before, during, and after the show. Hot Food will be available from the concession and can be ordered on your phone and brought to your car.
For those of you coming from a distance and wish to stay over night, please let me know and I will try and arrange a group rate at a local hotel.
Please RSVP by replying to this email or sending your reply to: jtcanal488@gmail.com
I know we have not been able to get together over this last year, but I am encouraged by the vaccine getting out there and hope that starting with the March event, we will have two or three more gatherings in 2021.
Stay safe and healthy and drive those V-10s!!!
Best Regards,
John Canal
President, VCA North and Central Florida
4079202857 Cell
I am sure glad to see 2020 in the rear view mirror, as I am sure all of you are as well. I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.
I have rescheduled the Viper drive-in movie night from last year, for Saturday March 27th.
Tentative Schedule:
March 27, 2021:
3 PM: Meet in Ocala, location TBN, and we will take a Viper cruise through beautiful horse country.
5 PM: Meet at the Ocala Drive Inn movie theater. Position the cars.
6 PM: Movie starts
We will have our own screen and area to park our machines and enjoy the old time tradition of a “Drive in Movie.” The Movie to be announced, but it will be car related for sure.
There are 36 spots that have speakers at the drive Inn, so the first 36 RSVPs will get one of those spots. I will need your full head count. Although we will be outside, we do request that everyone bring and wear a face covering, as I am sure everyone will want to gather before, during, and after the show. Hot Food will be available from the concession and can be ordered on your phone and brought to your car.
For those of you coming from a distance and wish to stay over night, please let me know and I will try and arrange a group rate at a local hotel.
Please RSVP by replying to this email or sending your reply to: jtcanal488@gmail.com
I know we have not been able to get together over this last year, but I am encouraged by the vaccine getting out there and hope that starting with the March event, we will have two or three more gatherings in 2021.
Stay safe and healthy and drive those V-10s!!!
Best Regards,
John Canal
President, VCA North and Central Florida
4079202857 Cell