As an alternative,There is on track insurance available. Here is a copy of an email I recently recieved,by the way I have nothing to do with this company:
> American Collectors Insurance, which offers auto physical damage coverage
> for Driver's Ed events. Because it is now available in Georgia, I wanted
> contact you to give you some information about this coverage.
> Driver's Ed insurance provides auto physical damage coverage for on-track
> Driver's Ed events. The program provides a unique alternative to a
> auto policy's comp and collision coverage. The major benefits of a
> Ed policy include Agreed Value coverage and protection specifically
> losses arising from Driver's Education events.
> I am extremely interested in making your Driver's Ed participants aware of
> this coverage. I am contacting you both because of your involvement in
> Driver's Ed Coordinating, but if there is someone else I should be
> attempting to contact, please advise. Perhaps your club is already
> associated with an insurance agent that I could speak with about this
> coverage. Please visit our website
> or call toll-free for
> more information. We are located in New Jersey, and our hours are 8:30 -
> 4:30 EST.
> I look forward to hearing from you!
> Best regards,
> Laura Bergan
> Marketing Department
> American Collectors Insurance
> 1-800-360-2277 Ext. 207