As of the close of business Friday, the status was as follows.
1. The Master Purchase Agreement included the Viper assets.
2. This means that subject to the Appeal of Indiana, being successful, a proposition which is doubtful, the Order of the Bankruptcy Court approving the MPA and the sale of the "purchased assets' from Old Chrysler to New Chrysler will stand and the Viper Enterprise will be owned by the New Chrysler.
3. The New Chrysler is obviously confident of the result because orders for new Vipers have reopened as per the post of Bill Pemberton from Woodhouse.
4. Per the union contract that existed before the Bankruptcy, the CAAP was to shut down in 2010 but that contract is no longer in existence. I would not take any comfort in that fact since I doubt that there is any obligation at all to keep CAAP open under whatever union agreement came out of the Bankruptcy unless someone can point same out to me.
5. Will the New Chrysler be willing to keep the Viper alive either as a line or as a separate entity owned by others? At this point it is anyone's guess. The letter from the Congressman is interesting regarding the prior preBankruptcy offer but, in the over all scheme of the economic reality of Chrysler, unfortunately, the Viper Enterprise is probably viewed as immaterial. I do not see the Court holding up New Chrysler over the alleged incident.
6. There are still a number of Federal certifications required for a 2010 Viper that, as of the last posted discussion of the subject, have not been obtained. So, if that is the case, after the current run of 2009 Vipers is done, unless those certifications are obtained, the Viper would be done anyway. If someone has more current data about the 2010 certification issues, please post.
The above constitutes my observation and opinion and nothing more.