well actually the window was down in the photo of my car I sent to him...
Beautiful picture!
If I had to guess maybe you have purchased a ticket with something that will be color coordinated.
That's ok.. it's my career being finiky.. meant the cheater glass with a div bar that is missing.. not the side drop glass..
Jerry....Your so lucky....I've been after Camillo for almost 3 years now to paint me an original...
Camilo is very talented. Did you ask him to put Lambo doors on the GT though?
my gt has lambo doors
Jerry, is that the Genaddi door kit, or is there another kind?
I actually owned one of the 100 GTS/r's made and sold it a while back. I would love to add one back to my Viper Pit. And YES! I have purchased a few tickets for the car above. I'm sure I will never win something like this though...