Years ago , Porsche was known as a basic Teutonic sports car bred for speed, handling and agility. This came at a price, as they were not always the easiest car to drive. Mastering a Porsche at high speed was a badge of skill, that many drivers never were able to merit. The car was always exciting as you needed to pay some attention to it to reap the greatest rewards. Today, though still a beautiful car in my eye, it has lost the passion of being a true drivers car. With PSM ( Porsche Stability Management ) it is almost impossible to get yourself in trouble. Head into a corner too hard and it darn near shuts down. Aggressive , fast driving on a track often has the system engaging , as there is no fail safe , accurate shut off. I fully understand the concept behind the changes , as it was a bit unruly to drive, but that was also the basis of it's passion and the thrill of owning one. To some degree the Viper is the Porsche of this Century, as it takes a steady hand, an agile foot, and a educated seat of the pants dedication to drive fast. I fully believe this is the allure of the beast , as it can spin out if you don't respect it and learn coordinated throttle pressure. The drive becomes analgous to the cowboy taming a wild horse, where a gentle hand tames the beast , but a mean hand can unleash the primitive past. What a thrill to drive a vehicle that demands respect , but rewards skill and experience. If you want a machine that will engage you with constant surprises, will amaze you with it's ability to grow and change as your driving skills change, then a Viper is in your picture. If you want a fast , fun car that has your driver's ed. teacher permanently parked in the passenger seat , then go for the Porsche.