Thanks for your interest and suggestions, Gus. I'm told that the Ferrari Club and the Porsche Club buy 300-400 tickets at a time...which must be done early (as in June 21, 2004)...and, they are great seats, noting that their history with this race goes back to it's beginning in 2000.
When, in the past, I have inquired at the Nat'l VCA HDQ, and via the Nat'l Officers about making this a larger event, I was encouraged to make it a regional event of whatever magnitude possible...and "host" as I saw fit to those who wanted to come. There were a few folks who took me up on the offer for info this year, but little interest amoungst local members or neighboring regions.
Frankly, locally there is MORE interest in the VCa for this type of event for the Brickyard and possibly for the Indy 500. The Indpls. Motor Speedway folks have been great...and made MANY procedural, security, ticketing, and PAVED PARKING changes just to accomodate the Car Clubs. BMW, the MINIClub, Subaru, British clubs also have stepped their support. There is plenty of room to GROW, in my opinion. But all of my B.S. will NOT fill the parking lot with Vipers if "locals" won't go and the "out of towners" won't bring their car...and, YES, they get dirty, but to his credit, Bob DID DRIVE his GTS from Chicago.
In the past, rooms were tight...butnow, rooms are much easier.
WHO wants to bankroll 300 tickets at $90.00-125.00 apiece? Let me know and we can start a group buy tomorrow.
Bottom line...this COULD BE a fun event, but I can't force folks to participate.
P.S. NEVER underestimate the behind the scenes politics/sponsorship of racing in general, and F1 in particular...there are more forces at play among the manufacturers/promotors/etc. than a regular person would ever dream.
The "lines are open"...