Now, that miata thing. Does it HAVE to be a miata??

I am a Dodge boy. I has to be a Dodge of some form!
I used to have a miata. Had to sell it to make room for the Viper. Damn i miss autoXing and riding backroads with that thing!! Wish i could have kept it to make a dedicated track car.
There's realy no other low budget choice that can compare. 50/50 weight distribution, no top, low wieght, low center of gravity, rearwheeldrive, great suspension, torsen differential, cheap performance parts, the list goes on... They are easy to work on and the parts are sooooo cheap with a few Miata specialty salvage yards like
Welcome to Planet Your #1 source for Miata parts and accessories.
You can pick up a nice 2nd gen (99-up) for around $8,000
Yes alot of people also race Dodge Neon's, but as a WrongWheelDrive economy car ,it dosnt come close to taking the place of a true pure sportscar like a Miata. Dont believe me? Drive each around a track.