What Tom just said, WORD FOR WORD. In my humble opinion, as well, there are just too many variables involved in the E.T. I'm always surprised to hear the wide variance of ET's of stock Vipers of the same year from different owners, and MPH for that matter. As Tom knows, a LOT depends on the driver and experience.
And for the guys who say their cars run "in the 10's" when they run 10.99, I say this: That's FLYING anyway! And, that comes from drag racing terminology from a million years ago...when a guy got his car to barely break into a particular time bracket, whether it was 10.99 or 11.99, he could then say, and it was quite an achievement each time you could do it, that his car was "IN THE TENS" or whatever category it was in......it wasn't meant to deceive anybody into thinking it was in the lower end of the time. If somebody got into the "low 10's", they simply would say, "It'll run low tens" and that was it. Again, in my opinion, if you have a car that is street driven and you can run a consistent ten sec. ET, you have a SCREAMING fast car. Period.

pete the XGG